Chapter two

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"Seamonkey, breakfast is ready"

My dad stood at the bottom of the ladder to my cave, which is really just the attic, but cave sounds cooler.

"Almost done dad" after stuffing the last of my diving gear in my navy blue duffelbag, I make my way downstairs.

The smell of breakfast washes over me,


My dad always makes me pancakes on saturday, it started as a small thing to comfort me after my mother left, but it has become a sort of family tradition.

"Atlas should be here any minute" my dad puts down an extra plate on the usually empty spot.

Looking at the time i quietly laugh, its 10.30 am, atlas shouldve been here 15 minutes ago. Being ontime has never been has been atlas' thing.

Then suddenly i hear a loud knock on my front door, followed by a vague "please let me in".

I walk out into the living room with my dad behind me. As he opens the door, Atlas stands before us. A smile spreads across his face when he sees me.

"hey kiddo!"

Atlas says, running towards me. He picks me up and spins me around laughing. We sit on the couch for a bit while my dad goes back upstairs to take a shower.

After some time Atlas gets bored so he tries to entertain himself.

"where are we diving today?" He asks. I look at him, thinking.

'Well' i think about all the places we've gone diving before.

"Serenity Lagoon,"

We spent some time exploring it, it's where we met and we became friends. It also used to have a pretty large fish population but it's currently under development.

Atlas nods and smiles, he's been doing that alot lately.

He looks at his watch, "It's 11 o'clock" he says. The sound of water can be heard running from upstairs.

"we'll have to wait till my dad is done"

But before he could respond, my dad comes down the stairs.

"Hey guys! Let's go! " he said while pulling us out the house. The sun felt nice on my face as we made our way down to dock, serinity lagoon wasn't to far away, but it was easier to get to via boat.

As we were walking down the path, my dad began to talk about something, and Atlas listened intently.

My dad was talking about one of his first dives when he was young, he had told me about that story maybe a hundred times, but atlas seemed interested enough. I think back to that strange day, the day of my own first dive. Serenity lagoon isn't far from where i saw her. From where i first saw a mermaid.

"hello! earth to luka!"

Atlas waves his hand before my face, and i snap from my thoughts.

"we're here"

we stand at the entrance of the docks, i can already see our white and blue little fishers boat waiting for us by the docks.

"so we meet again" i say with a smile as i walk down to where all the boats have their names written on them in case any visitors forget.

"yeah it seems like it" he agrees with an amused look.

We make our way onto the little vessel, sitting across from each other in comfortable silence for a moment or two as my dad starts the boat.

As we move away, I can see some people walking around on the dock, but most of them aren't looking directly at us, which seems odd for a small community like this.

I look over to Atlas who's staring off into space with an almost dazed look on his face.

He doesn't say anything but continues to stare at nothing in particular. After about five minutes, he speaks up.

"You know, I've always been curious about you."

I raise an eyebrow, waiting for him to elaborate further.

"I don't remember ever meeting anyone so much like me before."

"Like you?" I ask confused.

"What do you mean by that?" He just shakes his head, not saying anything else.

After we've travelled several more miles before we reach serenity lagoon.

I get the boat tied up in a nice safe place and then turn back to Atlas, watching as he looks over the water.

He looks like he knows something, and I'm pretty sure it has everything to do with me. He sighs deeply and then says,

"You'll find out eventually, but not today." I look at atlas, trying to decide what I should do.

After about a minute, he walks up to me and places a hand on my shoulder.

"It might come sooner than either of us would like, but trust me, when you do, it's going to change everything."

Before I can ask anything he walks over to his diving gear. Before I have time to really process the situation he's gone. I sit down near the edge of the boat, my eyes glued to where he left, feeling conflicted.

What exactly is going on? Is all I think to myself. My mind starts filling with questions that I can't seem to find answers to. I decide to shrug it off, knowing there isn't anything I can do for now.I walk over to my diving gear too, putting mine on. After checking to make sure I have everything in the correct order I stand and jump into the water, taking in the cool sensation. The water is cold and refreshing. It feels almost magical compared to the stifling heat outside. I swim over to atlas, who seems to be lost in thought. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2022 ⏰

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