What if?

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So, earlier, I was rewatching old logics, and then I realized: "Huh, a lot of characters originate from other logics then are made characters of other ones. What if the main character of every logic changed each game, and then they become characters of AUL/GTG?"

And that's what inspired this! So, I'm gonna make a bunch of characters to be in these video games, then put them in AUL! Also, yes, Player IS one of the characters who migrates game to game. BUT. He's still gonna be the main character of FGL and AUL cuz why not? Also, one of the reasons that made me do this is to avoid Player's Character Assassination, which KINDA happens in AUL, but he gets a redemption arc later on. Also, this is a Multiple-parter, since they've made so many logics I can't do them all in one chapter.

Here's how it works:

- In whatever order I want, I'm going to create a new character for each logic.

- I'm going to describe how they look in the game they originate in.

- Then I'll put them in AUL/GTG and describe their accessories (I also put GTG because AUL will never return)

- Then I'll just say their VA, cuz why not?

Let's Begin! Starting with.....................

1. Rapper (FNFL)

Rapper, similar to the OG BF, has a passion for music. He started playing FNF soon after it became popular at a recommendation from a friend. He also gets a bit cocky, but gets knocked down a few pegs after being beaten by Shaggy (Yeah he's not perfect like Player is, ok?). In the beginning, he wore the red cap like BF does, the only difference being he has Black hair and he wears Sunglasses. After the Matt thing, his hair turned blue and now the only difference is his Shades. Fun fact: Unlike Player, Rapper shows no interest in GF. He only sees her as a supportive friend, and usually calls her, just GF, instead of Girlfriend.

In Among us, he has a cyan spacesuit, with sunglasses and a red cap. He has a good relationship with Bro and Veteran, and is friends with Mr. Cheese as well.

VA: Ryan Stewart

2. Crafty (MCL)

Crafty, is, as his name suggests, very good at crafting. When he started playing Minecraft, instead of survival, He was playing creative. Well, he thought he was until a creeper blew him up. He's a pretty humble and quiet guy, and doesn't really care about much things except his friends and family. His skin is the same default skin until the dream episode, where it's changed to have Blonde hair, Brown eyes, a red shirt, and jeans. It remains like that for the remainder of the series. Since he's never met Veteran, he just calls Veterham by his real name, Eric.

In Among us, he'd wear goggles, with the color red (So when Player joins again and Crafty's there, he'd have to wear another color) and that's about it.

VA: Joe Jowett.

3. Michael (SGL)

Michael is pretty similar to Player, in regards to personality. In SGL, he has the same uniform with 456 on it, like in the original. Who are his friends? Idk, make them up. But they sure as hell aren't Veteran and Noob. Maybe one of them is Samantha, IDK. He has green hair (Yes, it's dyed) and hazel eyes, and has earrings cuz why not. Fun Fact: He's Ace

In Among us, He's dark green with headphones, and wears the same jacket brown does in running in circles.

VA: Cory Crater

4. SnekBoi321 (Slither.io logic)

So, GT has this problem of taking games, and only making one part of them, and Slither.io is one of them! Guess I'm going to have to make this one. Whooooooooo.....Boy. Let's do this.

(Note: The story will be changed a bit)

SnekBoi321 (Snek for short) Has actually been playing Slither.io for a while, and he's friends with Happy. He's a very cocky dude, who never takes anyone's advice. One day, a noob joins, and Snek shows him the ropes. After that, they meet Happy, and when they meet him, well....Uhhh....Happy accidently kills them. Disappointed at the fact all his progress is reset, the Noob looks at the Scoreboard and is like, "Hey, why don't we just get the M.N.M.C guy?" And so they went, to the dark corners of the map, and meet, Mr. Cheese in Slither.io form. Then, the story continues on as normal. Also, his color is blue. Forgot to mention that.

In Among us, He's blue with a plunger on his head. He joined cuz Mr. Cheese and Happy invited them.

VA: Kaleb Sherretz

And that's it! See you next time!

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