A Christmas Proposal

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Thanks to @TheCrazyTyto For giving me this idea! Go check out her book!


Ah, Christmas time, a time of cheer. A time where families and friends come together and enjoy each other's company, and in some cases, a time where a cheese wearing man proposes to his Top hat wearing boyfriend.


"TheGentleman, when I'm with you, I feel something amazing between us. Something special. No, to cheesey".

Mr.cheese stood in front of the mirror, nervous. He had been planning this for a long time, ever since Captain announced his Christmas party in November, he was so nervous. He just didn't know what to say. " Ok, how about this. 'TheGentleman, our love is awesome. Don't you feel it?' No, that sounds like something Bro or Veteran would say." He sighed. "What do I do?"

He opened the box in his hand. Inside, was a ring. He stared at it. He always thought that when He and TheGentleman got engaged, TheGentleman would've been the one to Propose. But nope! Here he was, holding a ring box, Thinking of what to say. He continued staring at it, until TheGentleman called him.

 "Mr cheese! Come out! Mr. Player and Ms. Girlfriend are coming to pick us up, you know!"

"Coming!" Mr cheese yelled. He stuffed the ring in his pocket and put on his Christmas tree hat. He went out of the Bathroom and ran down the stairs.

"What on earth took you so long?" Asked TheGentleman.

"My name Mr tree! And, N-nothing." Said Mr cheese in response. TheGentleman eyed him suspiciously. "Alright then, now come on. They'll be arriving any minute." The doorbell rang. "Right on cue," mumbled TheGentleman. He opened the door. The figures of Player and his Fiance, Girlfriend, appeared at the doorway. 

"We wish you a Merry Christmas, We Wish you a Merry Christmas, We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!" Said Player and Girlfriend. Player was wearing a red coat with a white fur trim, and Girlfriend was wearing something similar, but in dress form.

"Ah, Caroling I see?" Said TheGentleman.

"Yeah." Said Player.

"It's a Dearest family tradition!" Said Girlfriend. "Mom and Dad are at the other side of town right now, Caroling. Wanted to get some singing in before the party."

"Well, come in!" Said TheGentleman. I'm sure Captain won't mind if we're a little late."

This was one of the things Mr.cheese loved about TheGentleman. He was always quick to invite people to his house and give them a spot of tea.

"We'd love too." Said Player. He turned to Girlfriend. "What do you say?" He asked.

"I'd love to!" Said Girlfriend.

"My name Mr. tree! Come in!" Said Mr cheese. He turned to Player. "Player, can I talk to you for a sec? Alone? " 

"Sure." Said Player.

Mr. Cheese grabbed Player by the hand and dragged him up to his room. "What's up?" Asked Player. "You aren't saying 'My name Mr tree!' Every 5 seconds. What's wrong?"

Mr cheese took a deep breath. "How did you propose to GF? 

" It wasn't easy," Player said. I had to go through like, A hundred demon forms, but she said yes. Why?"

He took a deep breath. " Don't tell anyone, but I'm proposing to TheGentleman ".

" What?!??!?" Yelled Player. 

Mr.cheese put his hand over Player's mouth. "Louder, I Don't think they heard you in Bangladesh." He said before releasing his hand. (They didn't)

Player exhaled. "Sorry. It's just that I'm surprised you're proposing and not TheGentleman."

Mr cheese sighed. "Quick, let's go downstairs before anyone gets suspicious." He said. 

The duo went back downstairs. "My name Mr. Tree!" Said Mr cheese. TheGentleman put down a teacup. 

"Ah, you're just in time." Said TheGentleman. "The tea is served."

The Gentlecheese duo and The Couple in Red sat down and chatted as they drank tea. 

"Wow TheGentleman!" Said Girlfriend. "This is awesome!"

"Thank you, Girlfriend," Said TheGentleman.

They finished The tea and went to Girlfriend's car. It was a big limo, and according to Gf, it took a lot of convincing her parents to borrow the car without The family's henchmen. They got in and Player started driving. Luckily, Captain's house was nearby. They appeared at the doorway. 

"Hey guys!" Said Captain as he opened the door. "We thought you'd never make it, so we were about to start the buffet! Come on in!"

They went into the house , which was heavily decorated. The other guests greeted them and they put the presents under the tree. They went to the buffet and got their food. Before long, it was time to open gifts.

Mr cheese got, in order of unwrapping:

- A giant hat collection of every food themed hat in among us, from Captain.

- A small speaker and Microphone, from Girlfriend if Mr. Cheese ever considers Picking up rap battling.

- A snow globe with a figurine of Mr. Cheese in it, from Veteran, who gave everyone a similar one.

- An orange sweater with a Cheese stitched on it, with a matching hat and gloves from TheGentleman.

"TheGentleman!" Said Mr cheese after unwrapping the gift. "I love it! Thank you!" He hugged TheGentleman.

"You're welcome, Mr cheese," TheGentleman said.


"T-TheGentleman?" Said Mr cheese. "My gift, it's a surprise. Can we open it upstairs?"

"Okay," Said TheGentleman.

Mr cheese led TheGentleman upstairs, to Captain's room. 

"What's so important you had to bring me all the way here?" Asked TheGentleman.

Mr cheese took a deep breath. Here it goes. 

"We've known each other for a while," Said Mr cheese. "When we're together, I feel something special. Something I never felt before." Mr cheese got down on one knee. "TheGentleman, will you marry me?" 

TheGentleman was surprised. Because he was planning on doing the exact same thing.

TheGentleman mumbled something. 

"What?" Said Mr cheese.

"Yes!" Said TheGentleman.

"Really?" Mr cheese said. "You're not joking?"

"Yes, Mr cheese. Not only am I saying yes, but I also want to do something. " What's that?" Mr cheese asked, standing up

"This," Said TheGentleman. He grabbed Mr. Cheese and kissed him. Straight on the lips. And that was the best kiss in both of their lives.


A\N: Merry Christmas! And Happy New Year!

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