The man sighed, then held his opened palm out towards Izuku. Izuku knew what the man was most likely going to do, but still continued to stand still. He wasn't showing any emotions on his face, and just waited to see what it would feel like.

A large, burning inferno appeared in the blink of an eye and soared towards Izuku's body. Still, he continued to stay still and wait for the pain to commence. The beautiful blue fire hit the small boy's body, burning every inch of him. His curly green locks seemed to be immune to the  ferocious blaze, as not a single strand on Izuku's head was burned to nothing.

The sensation was something Izuku loved, but something most people would cry out in pain at; after all, he was most probably the biggest masochist you would ever meet.

The fire charred and burned him, while it was so incredibly hot that it even slightly felt as if he was in freezing temperatures. Izuku smiled at the sensation. Tremendous amounts of sweat would have been trickling down his body if his skin was still existing on his body. The fire had completely disinterested the largest organ of his body. Izuku was now just walking bones, muscles and veins. Almost every nerve had also been eliminated from his body.

After almost 30 seconds of feeling what it was like to burn, the fire slowed down until it was non-existent.

"Tch, I hate people getting in my way," the dark-haired male stated. He hated being interrupted while doing his work. He had not yet actually seen Izuku's current state as smoke still consumed the area, but soon enough, that was clearing up..

"Well that wasn't very nice," Izuku had said in a pouty yet sarcastic tone. His lips had only just regenerated, allowing him to form words. The man turned his attention immediately back to the boy standing at the entrance of the alleyway, now having a terrifying appearance.

He was speechless. All he could do, was yell the words, "WHAT THE FUCK?!"

Izuku chuckled at the man's reaction to his current state. However, he was slowly beginning to regenerate his skin. The taller male couldn't help but be horrified at the greenette's state, while also questioning why on Earth this was happening.

"Is this how you treat everyone you meet?" Izuku asked, trying to intimidate the man. Izuku didn't want to start a fight or anything, he just thought it was funny for a weakling like himself to scare others. By now, around half of his skin was replenished. It was a horrible process to look at, for the skin cells just multiplied and multiplied, making its way down Izuku's body while moving around to sit its required place. It was honestly quite disgusting.

The man still couldn't get any words out. He watched Izuku's body replace the lost skin, and he was still confused as to how he had survived such an incident.

"Don't have a voice anymore?" Izuku started walking closer to the man, not at all scared for nothing could harm him anymore; mentally nor physically.

"Give me your jacket then," Izuku said as if he were giving an order. Well, in a way, he was.

"What?" The man eventually managed to stutter out. He looked down and locked eyes with a scowling Izuku.

"You just burnt all my clothes off. So are you going to give me your jacket before I fully regenerate or do you want to see me naked?" Izuku raised an almost-replenished eyebrow as he asked the taller man and held his hand out, which still hadn't fully regenerated yet.

The man seemed to have gathered some courage, for he realised that Izuku would never walk anywhere else without any clothes on. He had Izuku cornered in the alleyway.

"And what if I want to see you naked?" He smirked and returned Izuku's eyebrow raise. A faint pink spread across Izuku's face in embarrassment as he clenched his jaw with annoyance.

"Just give me your damn jacket!" Izuku had now fully regenerated. He turned a few shades redder realising the situation, however he showed no signs of shame.

"I will kill you," Izuku threatened, but he subconsciously liked how the taller male teased him.

"I'd like to see you try, sweetheart," the man replied almost immediately. He looked at Izuku's naked body up and down, biting his bottom lip.

"And what if someone catches us here, hm?" Izuku just wanted to make the man annoyed now, instead of trying to intimidate him. That was off limits now considering Izuku was butt-naked in front of the man. This may have intimidated certain people, but obviously not this criminal.

"Then I guess you'll have someone else admiring you," the man said with a slightly seductive tone. Izuku would be lying if he said it wasn't attractive, but he was getting pissed off now.

"You're the reason I'm in this situation, bastard," Izuku made sure he sounded pissed as well as looking pissed, making sure the black haired male knew he was getting really ticked off.

"Fine, fine. Here you go, shorty," the man said and he slipped his arms out of the long black jacket and held it in front of Izuku.

Izuku snatched it, glared at the man and put it on, making sure to cover his front. It reached slightly passed the taller man's knees, so, with Izuku being much shorter, it definitely allowed him to cover up.

The criminal just laughed at the smaller boy, before realising something and his laugh died down. The smaller boy had mentioned regenerating. It was an incredibly rare quirk, and only a few in the world had it. His boss was looking for the kid who had the immortality quirk, and that kid may be stood right in front of him.

The Cursed Quirk | DabiDekuOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora