[CH. 26]: UA Sports Festival Pt. 8

Start from the beginning

PresentMic screams through the microphone, "Isn't that an overkill?!"

Midnight's body was frozen as well but only her half part as she was on the same ground as them, "Sero, can you move?" she asks as she shivered from the cold.

Sero shakily replies while his body was almost completely covered with ice, "Y-you're kidding, right?!"

PresentMic then announces Todoroki as the winner of the second match.

Todoroki looked at the bleachers as if he was scanning and searching for a certain person, only to be in vain with his onlook, he unfroze Sero along with the ice behind him, "Sorry, I overdid it..."

He said without looking at him, "...I was just annoyed."

As [y/n] overheard the conversation despite the noises and cheers, "What even is he annoyed for? He won...!" She furrowed her eyebrows while her arms were crossed as she looked at the chunk of ice slowly melting away revealing the other side of the battlefield.

As the two opponents turned their heels after they did their salutatory bow after the match, they headed down to the openings. 

Sero then saw [y/n] on his path, waving at him with a smile, "Hey, Sero-san! You did a great job out there with your tape!" 

With a shy response, he flashed a smile, "Thanks, [y/n]! I didn't even notice you were actually here! You could've gotten with his ice!" 

"I know, but it was too far away since it went up, right?" 

"I know but still..." Sero sighed, "...you should be more careful, [y/n]."

[y/n] imitates his sigh as she looked up to him, "Alright, I will!", she spoke up again, "Oh wait! I have a question!" 

As soon as he was about to walk into a blind corner, "What is it...?" She then followed to where he is. As she got closer to him, she spoke in an enthusiastic tone, "Is it possible to make your tape stickier? How about heavier? Can you control its weight? Or can you control its path regardless of its length? Wait... how long can you shoot your tapes from your elbow? Does it hurt when you did it for the first time?"

Sero was dumbfounded as sweat dropped as he chuckles, "I thought it was only a 'question'..." 

[y/n] paused her sentences with a surprised look on her face, "I-I am so sorry. I got ahead of myself!" She then bowed multiple times in front of him, he then halted her bowing by holding her shoulders in a firm yet gentle grip. 

"You gotta stop apologizing, really. It's totally fine, [y/n]!"

"But still I-"

"There you are."

[y/n] was once again interrupted by that person... how many times was she interrupted today?

"Todoroki? Wasn't your exit over the opposite side?" 

She looked at him with intrigue, "And what do you mean by 'There you are.'? Were you looking for someone?" 

He saw Sero with his usual expression on his face. Sero then paced backward as he sensed awkward tension in the air, "Erm... I'll get going! Good luck [y/n]!" 

With a wave, Sero went. [y/n] returned the gesture as her voice resonated by the walls, "Thank you, I'll do my best!"

She then looks at Todoroki with a serious face, "You didn't answer my question and you just glared at Sero-san." 

"Alright, I'll answer your question..." He then moves closer, "...but you have to answer mine first." 

Unfazed, [y/n] stood firm on her ground, "Fine, what is it?" 

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