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the door slammed, I looked over to the younger one. His cheeks crimson red, and bruised. I get up from my seat and examine his face in worry, I know it wasn't new but that doesn't mean I wouldn't worry every time it happened.

he's getting older and older each day, he should know better than to cause trouble, "jisung, why? no matter how many times I told you. Why would you still get into fights? You're just like your father." I sign, grabbing an first aid kit.

heeseung enters the kitchen, his eyes trail up and down at our son. "jisung, what did I tell you?" he gives him a stern look.

"told me not to fight, fuck is that going to do." he throws his backpack onto the chair and sits. I hear the door slam once again, loud footsteps audible.

Someone ran into the kitchen, "why would you run off without saying anything, you scared me." she pants from exhaustion but she didn't worry about herself first. Her fingers brush against jisung's cheeks, he winced from the pain and she pulls her fingers away.

it gave me deja vu, I look back at heeseung and he can't help but softly smile. I knew he was thinking what I was thinking.

"hey jisung, your lips are busted you know? You should ask the feisty one to kiss it and make it feel better." jihoon teases his younger brother. Heeseung and I snicker.

jihoon was the eldest he was 18 while jisung just turned 17. Jihoon had more of my personality, he was calm and wanted to fix stuff. Jisung on the other hand was the exact opposite, totally messed up, he always wanted to cause trouble, he picks up fights with other kids, the police brings him home at least once a week. He was just like heeseung, when he was a teen.

"who even called you here." jisung facepalms, while soojin next to him stood completely flustered up from what jihoon said.

I approach jisung, cleaning his face up and putting bandages. "You think it's fun going to school with bandages all day and kids wondering what you did wrong?"

"sure, if that's the way you put it." he grins, oh he was just like heeseung, I remind myself that everyday. I told heeseung that one of our kids would end up just like him.

"you made this kid heeseung." I ruffle jisung's hair, heeseung grinned. "It's fun having a mini me, it reminds me of all the damage and trouble I brought the school in four years."

"and the time you had to clean the walls in college when you wrote stuff with chalk, the principal had you clean it up." I tried to contain my laugh but bursted out in laughter.

"the time I drew whiskers on miss's face, and the when you thought you were slick and called me out for not doing my homework but you forgot to bring yours too and we ended up in detention." he wraps his arm around my shoulder.

"there's just so many stories to tell kids, I went through everything to make sure heeseung was kept away from trouble. But he's Lee heeseung that wasn't possible, after we settled down and had you two I can say he's not so troublesome." I look up at heeseung, smiling.

"you two are so gross." jisung grimaces, "you witness this almost everyday and call it cute?" jisung turns to face soojin.

"is it not?" she lifts a brow.

"no it's not." he averts his eyes. "but you so wish you were able act lovely dovey with soojin, just like mom and dad."

"oh yeah? where's areum at? not with you that's for sure." Jisung snaps. "enough Jisung give your brother a break." I rest my hand on his shoulder.

jisung grasps onto soojin's wrists and drags her out of the house, not aggressive but they walk out the door together. Jihoon goes back to his room which leaves just the two of us.

"hey, lee. Wanna go somewhere?"  I press my lips against his cheeks, his hand snakes around my waist.

"I would love to go anywhere, as long as it's with you."


Epilogue two will be out.

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