This is fine right..?

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Now talk!" Macaque said while snarling Wukong sigh as he started to fidget a bit placing a hand in his chest he readied himself for one hell of a talk "Mango I I couldn't tell you because we were in bad terms and I didn't think you would accept them or the fact you had kids with me plus we never really fix things between us " he decided to just he up front and tell him the truth no hiding, macaque looked at him fuming with anger "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME THIER MY CHILDREN TOO" macaque said while baring his teeth "don't you think I have the right to know they exist and to be a good father to them. macaque held back tears as he bit his lip, he had so much anger and sadness at the same time he didn't know what to do with it " I'm sorry Mango I was scared okay I was scared of you hating that you had kids with me after everything I did to you plus we weren't on good terms plus we both have so many enemies that I was terrified of word getting out I'm so sorry " he apologized to his love he was ready to cry but he held it in he didn't deserve to shed tears not after everything he done "Yeah your right Heh." macaque said looking at his lover with apologetic eyes He warped them back to the other.

A happy smile on his lips that he was finally able to talk things out with him that he was able to fix their somewhat broken relationship he hoped that they could talk things out more but he guess it will have to

do for now but that smile quickly depleted when macaque said "HER-" LBD quickly jumped back hiding behind the two raising her arms in a surrender position "calm down I'm not here to hurt anyone

Wukong tell him" she was not in the mood for a battle ,Wukong snorts walking over to Macaque and tapping his shoulder still worried that he might blow up on him so he was being careful " she the kids aunt" Wukong told macaque. macaque stoped himself from blowing up "aunt?"Macaque says gritting his teeth a bit. Macaque gripped his scarf a bit "why?." he simply asked while feeling his body get a bit cold when he clenched his scarf " well it is a long story and I would appreciate it if you calm down and have another conversation with me away from the children " Wukong smiles nervously knowing he was

about to blow up again and the babies didn't need that trauma in their life

"Alright" macaque gave a crazed smile as he teleported them away

Wukong whimpered knowing this was gonna be bad once they teleported away Wukong didn't manage to even speak before he was slammed into a wall with Macaque pinning him against it looking ready to maul him he gulp " easy their Mango " Macaque looked at him with lustful eyes, he looked like he was going to devour him right then and there. A little "fuck.." is what macaque could muster

"anybody else but her" macaque said as he stared at Wukong with hatred in his eves

"explain." He said as his eyes narrowed

" what do you want me to explain to you she is the cubs aunt. She has been really kind and sweet to us she let us shelter in her castle and not only that but she has been taking good care of the cubs while I'm out on mission" Wukong tried to defend her she knows she hasn't been the best that she did so many bad things but he believes everyone deserve a second change it was something MK showed him so he gave her another chance and he was happy it all work out she change he knows that "Heh I'm glad she's been good to my cubs.., but for fucks sake I still have this around my neck to remind me to tear her limb from limb!" Macaque said as calm as he could while pulling down his scarf and removed his glamour to show an broken ice chain around his neck

Wukong whimpered remembering the incident where she possessed Macaque but she needed to hold him down they manage to break him free of her possession but the ice chains around his neck they couldn't remove it so it was a reminder for him of those dark times he wanted to say sorry for him for not helping him during those times but he never got the chance because as soon as they broke him free he left and only showed himself from time to time when he felt like it and disappeared before they could even talk " Mango please let me talk to her In removing it" he whimpers getting scared at how angry he was becoming

Macaque let out a sigh "alright.. and I'm sorry for getting so upset" macaque said the last part while hugging his lover "I just.. can't forgive her." Macaque said hugging onto Wukong tighter Feeling the way he holds him tight and the way he nuzzles his neck he can deduce that he isn't satisfied with his explanation and is clearly wants more detailed ones later after MK and Mei are gone and the both LBD and the cubs were asleep oh boy he hopes  he can talk things through with him later

Wukong was wringing his hands together as he headed towards Macaque designated room,it was midnight and earlier Macaque said they were gonna talk more about everything here hoping that nothing bad happens and it only a civil conversation nothing more he really hoped they don't blow up on each other again this was gonna be a mess he walked up to the room and knock on the door waiting to be let in, he didn't hear any sounds only silence that echoed around him his body shivered he always hated the dark and the silence he put a hand on his chest trying to calm down as he decided to let himself in without waiting for a response surely this won't be such a bad idea right since Macaque invited him surely nothing bad would happen he sigh as he opened the door and took a step inside the

dark room the light from the door  being the only light source he has as he step inside the door soon shut engulfing him in darkness he started to panic " Macaque where are you this isn't funny!"

Macaque pushed Wukong on the bed his eyes glowing a lustful purple while he crawled on top of Wukong

1121 words
Hey sorry I've been busy, somebody I deeply cared about died so yeah that happen (paulinahikari )

Drawn to youNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ