Taking you

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Wukong once again created while making sure this time it won't suddenly disappear on them like that the two left again to continue decorating as the kids play with their mother clone they started using their powers unconsciously creating both shadow bunnies and cloud bunnies or a combination of them or even a golden bunny they giggle as they watched the bunnies hop all over the place as they try to catch them they were having such fun the clone smiling down at the babies cooking at them saying how good at their at using magic unlike he and Macaque when they were young they had trouble using theirs and often leads to some pretty particular situations because of their inability to used them correctly he was kinda jealous of the babies but proud at the same time unknown to the clone that they were not alone still

~in the shadows~

Macaque watched as the cubs played with the shadow bunnies that they had created, 'your children THEIR YOUR CHILDREN?!' The voices in his head just scattered. "Macaroon! Their using shadows!" Mei

cried out while shaking macaque "yeah I know!" Macaque yelled as mei stoped shaking him, his eyebrows knitted, he was now snarling, and he was giving a killers aura. Macaque felt like he was steaming from anger, like if anybody touched him he would blow his top. "What. The. Hell." Macaque mumbled even more angrier at the scene that unfolded. 'That's your child, he kept it from you, he kept your children from you' the voices said. "Mac!" Mei yelled while putting her hand on macaque shoulder, which she regretted when he look at her with bloodthirsty eves. "Fuck." macaque said calming down a bit "what is it?" He asked "what are we going to do" mei asked while looking at macaque and mk "why don't we just go out there mk said while putting his hand on the wall of the shadow, "wait mk

no-" macaque tried to say before mk fell through the wall onto the floor of the babies room

Clone Wukong and Real Wukong one let out a scream of surprise upon seeing MK fall through some portal onto the floor of the nursery the shouting of both Wukong caused the babies to cry making both Wukong's panic and feeling bad they made their babies start to comfort them trying to make them laugh or stop crying using either funny faces or just playing with them the commotion made LBD rushing into the room eyes scanning the room to see what was causing the ruckus when her eyes landed on MK her heart drop " Wukong what is he doing here " that caught both Wukong off guard as they

look towards the direction LBD was looking at and jumped up looking like a cat caught in the act " MK what are you doing here no how did you get in?!" "Umm well I can in through the uhh door on the

outside uhmm" he tried to lie as he didn't want to reveal his friends being there

"Oh fuck-' macaque sighed "WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO MK IS THE WORST AT LYING!?" Mei exclaimed "I guess we just watch for now?" Macaque said placing a hand on mei should for her to calm down he was still pissed that he get to know he had children so he grip felt a bit tight

Both Wukong's and LBD didn't believe that lie for one bit but as soon as the babies

stopped crying and saw MK they started to chirp happily they got out of their mother's grasp and jumped down onto the ground and rushed towards MK and then started to run in a circle around him curious as to why he have their mother scent and someone else scent that seems very familiar to them but also not LBD giggle at the scene three little monkeys playing ring around the rosie with MK it was

such a scene "Aww so cute" mk said as he watched the little cubs run around him, he picked one up The cub was  happy being picked up they nuzzled him chirping excitedly to have a new

playmate tilting his head. "Six ears?" He said out loud before he realized it

when MK mentioned the six ears both LBD and Wukong choke and rushed over covered his mouth and started looking around just in case anyway else was here other than him when they were satisfied that

no was there they sigh and uncovered his mouth" don't tell anyone please Kiddo Wukong says taking the cubs out from his arms causing the babies whine that they were taken away from their new friend "Oh umm sorry monkie king | Uhmm won't tell anyone" mk said as he already knew people were watching to he was nervously sweating, he really hoped nobody had noticed but before he could say

anything more he heard another thump on the ground "fuck OW! My SHOULDER MACARONI!! (macaques nickname for mei)" Mei said has she got up from the floor, looking at mk, and mk looked back with a glare.

"Oh my fucking-" macaque said he was debating on going out to reveal himself since those two already

fell out " okay how many are you guys in here as long as Macaque isn't here to blow up in my face

then I'm fine with you guys he didn't come with you guys right " Wukong asked worried and concerned lacing his voice as he handed that cubs over to LBD who seem just as concern maybe even more so than Wukong as.she tighten the hold on the chirping babies happy to see more playmates to play


"Uhmm no of course he didn't" mk said before mei cover his mouth "oh my mk.." Mei said while dragging her hand down her face. Macaque stepped out of the shadows with an aura ready to kill, but macaque himself didn't notice the aura Wukong and LBD felt it the sudden shift in the room causing both him and her to slowly turn aroundt and was face to face with shadow demon who looked like he was about murder them they both looked one another and at MK and Mei as if asking why they bought him along the babies remains oblivious to the killing instead struggle and escape their aunties

hold as they walked over to the Dark furred Monkie and tilted their head looking up at

him curiously because they seem so familiar to them but also not at the same time soon it click in their head this must be their dad" Dada " they chirp happily causing LBD and Wukong to facepalm welp their busted Macaque still glaring at the two picking up his children two with his arms and the other with his tail "sorry monkie king w-" mk said but got cut off "my children huh?" Macaque said while baring his teeth

" Macaque I have a good explanation for this listen to me let not fight in front of the kids" Wukong tried to somewhat lessen the tension in the air knowing this was not gonna end well plus he was worried that the babies would be scared of their dad after this particular encounter LBD stepped in front of Wukong who grabbed MK and Mei and hid them both behind him good thing the babies were still oblivious to

what was going on and only think this was a game "Heh your right you probably have an amazing

explanation" he spat his words like vemon he was angry then he was when Wukong killed him "but l'm

not listening to it, I was just heading out" he said as he set down two of the children but held one in his

arms indicating he was taking it with him " wait Macaque let talk things out " he hurriedly grabbed ahold of one of his hands and took the baby from him setting him down along with his siblings as he teleported them both into another room as he as he separated from him knowing he was still

pissed off and wont hesitate to attack " Mango please let me explain" he pleaded knowing this might take a while to explain everything but he hope he will stay and listen to him "Heh." macaque was in a daze looking at the ceiling, he was debating on wether to try his luck with talking or just take one of his children "macaque?" Mk said  looking at macaque with concern right before macaque and Wukong went into a shadow portal

(This whole story is a request :>)

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