What the hell...I thought

"Sophia I need to tell you something."
He began to cry again

I asked

"I love you."
He whispered

I didn't just hear that...I thought

"What did you say?"
I asked again

"I love you."
He said a tiny bit louder
then he just passed out

I gently helped him lay on his side and covered him up, he was completely out
I got my phone out and messaged our professor telling him we wouldn't be there tomorrow due to emergency.

I went out on my terrace watching the overview of the city, cars moving, people walking, this city really never does sleep.

I cant believe Sonny said he loved me, I couldn't tell if it was real or the alcohol talking.
Time would tell I suppose.

I went back into my apartment and went back into my room
Sonny hadn't moved and was still completely out
I climbed into bed thinking at this point it didn't matter
I covered up and went to sleep

****Sonny's POV****
Tuesday January 17th  


I slowly began to open my eyes
My head was throbbing
I realized I was on my stomach my left arm was hanging off the bed, I glanced at the wall realizing I indeed was not in my room

Once I got my eyes all the way opened I sat up and seen my pants was in the floor next to the bed
I had my T-Shirt and boxers on and I I ran my hand through my hair looking around

Shit I'm Sophia's room..I thought
I was trying to remember how I got here and what happened

I then remembered
She must have been the one to help me get my pants off...I thought

I remembered more
Umm I wondered if I told her anything...I thought

I checked the clock on the wall and seen it was
Shit We got class..but then my head spoke before I could jump up
It hurt so bad
I looked over on the other side of the bed and Sophia wasn't there

I got up and stretched and headed out into the living room
Sophia was at the Kitchen stove cooking something in her oversized T-shirt, her hair up in a messy bun
She looked cute

I went over to the bar and sat down and Sophia turned around and half smiled

"I'm making pancakes if you want some. I would offer eggs but the smell of them makes me too nauseous."
Sophia said

"I also have orange Juice because you're going to probably need some."
Sophia added

"Yeah, uh do you have any Tylenol?"
I asked putting My hand to my head

"Yeah in the bathroom in the medicine cabinet."
Sophia said

Sophia turned back around to keep making food and I stumbled my way into the bathroom
I used the bathroom and got some Tylenol out of the cabinet and went back into the kitchen

Sophia put a plate of pancakes out and a glass of orange juice where I had sat, I took the Tylenol and after a few minutes began to feel relief
Sophia sat down next to me and took a sip of her orange juice and began to eat her pancakes

I felt rude for eating this and her taking such good care of me, class already had passed my mind after I treated her yesterday and who knows what I even said to her and can't remember it.

"I emailed our professor and told him we wouldn't be there today due to an emergency."
Sophia said taking a drink of orange juice

I smiled at her

She sorta smiled and continued to eat
I really should say something but I didn't know what exactly

I ate my pancakes and we sat there in silence
Once she finished I finished shortly after

I said looking at her

Sophia looked at me

"I'm really sorry about yesterday."
I said

Sophia smiled

"I hope you'll forgive me."
I said

Sophia got off her chair and walked over to her dish washer and put her dishes in and turned around rubbing her stomach

She then stopped, looked at me and smiled

"Yeah, I forgive you."
Sophia smiled

I couldn't help but wonder if I told her anything
I had to know

Sophia sat down next to me again

"Did I tell you anything last night?"
I asked

"What do you mean?"
Sophia asked

"I mean did I say anything weird because my shirt is covered in snot, I assumed I cried."
I said

"Yeah you cried a lot and apologized."
Sophia said

"Anything else?"
I asked

"I don't know if I should say."
Sophia said

"Please tell me."
I said

"You said that you loved me and you begged me not to leave here."
Sophia wiped her eyes

"I did?"
I asked

Shit shit shit

Sophia said

"But I assumed it was probably the alcohol talking."
Sophia said

TN to NYC (A Sonny Carisi Fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now