7: things are progressing

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Spongebob's POV:
It had been 2 days since the discovery of Gary's filthy obsession. I'd spent all of yesterday lying on my bed, a drunken mess of solitude and misery. I'd heard Gary enter and renter, time and time again, trying to silently check on me except he never spoke, never tried to fix the things he'd previously broken.
I dragged myself from bed after yesterday to work, making sure I left early as to avoid Gary. I managed it fine but I dreaded the thought of coming home to finally have to confront him.
Woefully, I opened the door. It felt 50 times heavier today for some reason. I was gazing at the floor during my entrance but soon I resentfully forced my eyes upwards until they set upon Gary.
"Meow. Meow meow meow." He seductively slanted his eyes, distorting his face into a sexier, more mature version of himself. His shell was decorated in an ornate display of red lace, wrapped tightly and sensually around his shell creating a perfect contrast of colour and texture. I longed to tear the fabric from him and expose him to my love.
I bit my lip and moaned at the sight of him. Slowly, I lumbered towards him, instantly forgetting the anger and resentment I felt prior to this moment. I offered myself to him, begging on my knees for his slimy goodness. As he looked me in the eyes, I knew he would deliver.
His left antenna crept towards my southern region and unzipped my square brown shorts and shirt combo. They slipped off, leaving me tenderly exposed. He began sliming my square buttocks with his impeccably silky liquid. I enjoyed the sensation and urged him to continue to which he responded with a fresh lashing of goo.
After 5 minutes of this pleasurably guilty experience, I rolled onto my back, signalling my retirement.
"I forgive you by the way Gary. But no more of the hardcore street powders, okay?", I whispered into his non-existent ear. He responded with a solemn nod and that's when I knew that I love him.

Loop the loop and pullNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ