Rescue Mission of a Dumbass

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Leo sat outside the place where the guys were holding Salem, mostly for his own peace of mind to at least know the butler wasn't dead or seriously injured. He regretted his decision as he hated the screams, he knew his red-haired friend could've broken out if he tried but he was trying to keep the secret of the supernatural, ex-assassins, genetically modified humans, and ex-soldiers working for the Phantomhive family so he rolled with the punches and kicks to the face to keep them safe. Salem saw Leo in the window, hiding behind some bushes. The red-haired male hoped his friend would do the sensible thing and run away before they got him too "hey, who do you see out there doll?" one of the guys asked, Salem spat in the taller man's face when he saw another guy looking at his scythe and ledger "don't touch those, they're dangerous"  the man almost cut his head off which made Salem laugh "Can't say I didn't warn you" the other man used the scythe to try to kill Salem but ended up cutting off most of his long red hair then the window broke open and Leo fell through it "Paws off him, less you feel like dying today or not I don't care" he punched the man with Salem's belongings in the face before cutting the butler free, checking his watch, counting down to when Grell would show up to do her job. Both young men hid under a table to hide from Grell and Sebastian's wrath who killed the kidnappers and then took both boys home, Leo got in some trouble from both his and Salem's parents as he could've made the situation worse but for the time being, they were glad that everyone was still in one piece minus Salem's glasses which could easily be replaced.

Over the next two weeks, Salem was allowed to work on small tasks that didn't require the best eyesight till he got his glasses fixed with Leo serving as Clarise's butler till Salem could see and the bruising on his arms and face went away. Salem didn't even want to leave his room for an extended period of time as he felt insecure about his appearance especially since his hair was now a short, choppy mess which wouldn't really work for his job as it did for Leo as he inherited some of Elizabeth's curls which made the mop look cool. He spent three hours trying to make it look acceptable but eventually gave up till he decided to give Sebastian's iconic look a try which worked till his hair grew back.  Sebastian thought it was rather funny as he now had a shorter, red-haired version of himself just following around a female version of Ceil 24/7.

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