Chapter 2- Ahoy

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i look into her eyes and tried to read her. i've never been able to. she's so different than Nancy. maybe that was a good thing. maybe i didn't need to flirt with these girls.

"uh we should probably get back to work." she says standing up. i stand up with her and hug her. she hugs me back and looks at me. our faces inches apart.

"thank you y/n." i say.

"for what."

"for being here for me."

"yeah... your welcome."


his face is so close to mine. i don't know what to do. should i let go? should i pull him in closer? should i make a move and kiss him? no. i'll wait for him to choose. no way am i making a move.

he lets go of me hesitantly, so i start to walk out. suddenly he pulls me back in and kisses me. i kiss him back. im not really sure if i was doing it right... this was my first kiss. he pulls away and smiles at me. i smile back. he goes over to Robins board and puts a mark under You Rule. i laugh.

was it supposed to feel like that? i had no idea. i didn't really feel anything. in the books i read there's always a mention of sparks, electricity, something along the lines of that. maybe that was just fairy tales. i start to say something but then i hear a voice out front that i havent heard in a while. Steve and i look at each other are burst out of the door.

"HENDERSON" we both scream and run to him.

"STEVE! and Y/N? i didn't know you worked here?" he laughed.

"it was last minute." i smile. "but your back!"

"your back!" Steve cheers.

"i'm back! you got the job!" Dustin exclaims.

"i got the job!" Steve does a little trumpet. they go in to do their secret handshake. we all laugh and smile and try to soak in the moment.

"so are you two like coparenting? or what's going on here" Robin says. Steve motions to her and looks at Dustin as to say look what we have to deal with.

"anyways Dustin." i say trying to avoid her. "come and catch us up on everything." we grab him a banana split and head to an empty booth.


i watch Steve, y/n and the Henderson kid talk and eat ice cream. i never knew that Harrington and y/n even hung out outside of school and work. but i see them sitting at that booth talking and laughing with this child like they've been friends forever. like they've been trough something together. it makes me jealous for some reason.

i focus more on y/n. she seems to be very important to this kid. she cares about him i can see it. for the first time i see her genuinely smile. this kid brings out the best in her. she seems... safe sort of comfortable. her smile is pretty. her face is bright. i see her lean in closer to Harrington. his hand is on her thigh, where the kid can't see. this was new. something happened in the back.

i stand there and picture me in Harringtons place. y/n smiling at me and leaning into me. i'm staring into her eyes. her beautiful eyes. shit. i get interrupted by a loud voice.

"I INTERCEPTED A SECRET RUSSIAN COMMUNICATION." the kid says. everyone, including me, looks their way. i go back to serving ice cream and think to myself.

was i really just fantasizing about y/n? the person i was trying to avoid so this wouldn't happen. i'll just shake it off like nothing ever happened. all three of them run up to the counter.

"y/n can you stay back and help Robin." Steve asks.

"are you serious." y/n says with her hands on her hips.

"yes i'm serious. we can switch out in an hour." him and the kid go into the back and y/n stands next to me.

"so are you slinging or taking orders." she asks me. dang it. i get lost in her eyes. i've never found it hard to talk to her. but i just saw her good side. now here comes my train wreck of speaking.

"um whatever you want." i say. she looks at me confused. "i mean i'll take orders. or i can sling ice cream that's fine. but i don't know which one you'd prefer. it doesn't matter really though because we get payed the same either way right? haha." i nervously laugh.

"so which one?" she asks again.

"i'll take orders." i say dryly. she can probably see right through me.


i can see right through her. something's up. she's being nice to me all of the sudden. oh my god. did she see Steve kiss me? impossible. she was taking orders. did she see his hand on my thigh. oh god. was this her way of apologizing? because she was wrong?

"Robin are you okay?" i ask. i'm in a good mood that is the o my reason i'm being nice. "you seem off."

"off?" she says quickly. "what do you mean off?"

"you're not being a bitch to me?" i say. "you didn't call me 'dingus' or any of your weird ass nicknames yet?"

"oh well excuse me for being nice." she says. "who knows maybe i've had a change of heart. i'm sorry it won't happen again. i'll be a bitch for now on."

"no" i laugh. "i like ur sweet side. it's kind of a relief to see that you actually have a soul." i wink at her. did i just wink at her. am i flirting with a girl. i quickly look away. what was that.

i see her look down, laugh and go to take orders. suddenly i hear a yell from the back.



shit... well if she didn't see us she knows now.


"sorry." Dustin says to me. "but seriously? how did it go?"

"i'd say it went pretty good." i say smiling. "i felt the electricity."

"ohh yeahh the sexual electricity." Dustin smiles. "but you said not to kiss them as soon as you feel it."

"well i read y/n as someone who wants a lion not a ninja." i say.

"wait...isn't it weird that you kissed your exes sister?" he says.

"shit i never thought of that..." i say. "it'll be fine. let's get to translating. i'm guessing it's gonna take a while."


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