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Please let me know how you guys would like Y/N to be. Snarky, confident, cocky, timid, shy, kind?

After all, it's a fanfic for y'all. <3


Muffled voices and sirens were all I could hear. Everything was dark.

What happened?

I groaned in pain, all of it hit me at once. It surged through my body like electricity. I felt tears fill my eyes.

Please... This pain is too much. Make it stop.

I begged whatever deity to stop my suffering.

As if someone heard my calls, I heard a baritone voice yelling out to me.

My hearing was still messed up. Everything sounded so quiet, so far away.

Feeling a huge weight lift off my body, I gasped for air. My eyes shot open. The pain was excruciating.

"Hey numb nuts, we...

one...... er....... here."

Who is that...? Did help arrive?

I couldn't hear them properly. I tried to raise my head to get a look at the unknown person, but it took too much strength and energy. All I could do was look at the sky. There was smoke and dust everywhere.

Feeling an unknown touch on my body, somebody was carrying me to the ambulance.

I blinked, looking up at my saviour.

An ash-blonde with crimson eyes and a neutral look on his face carried me bridal style in his arms.

He looks beautiful. But why does he look familiar?

"Can you quit staring at me?" a deep voice spoke, scaring me out of my daze.

With a scowl on his face, he looked at me with raised eyebrows.

My eyes widened and I turned my head away as much as I could, the jolts of pain shooting through my body as I moved.

"Sorry," I whispered, feeling myself shrink.

The paramedics noticed us going toward the ambulance and immediately brought out a stretcher to put me on.

"I found this one under some rubble. Perhaps we should bring out the SAR dogs." The ash-blonde spoke with authority, standing tall with the paramedics.

"Roger that, Dynamight. I'll call for-", a loud voice interrupted the nurse.

"Hey Kac-chan, where'd you find this cutie?" a mustard-coloured hair with electric blue eyes called out to the ash-blonde.

Immediately the other blonde groaned. He looked at the mustard-haired boy with annoyance and I'm-gonna-kill-you.

"Shut it, phone charger. This is one of the survivors from the attack." His voice was husked, full of annoyance. His voice sounds so alluring.

Are they friends? I wondered, listening to the strange hostility coming from the ash-blonde.

"Whoa, hey. I was kidding." mustard boy put his hands up in defence, a grin on his face. It's as if he likes to annoy the other hero.
Diverting his attention back to me, he began to make his way over. Oh. Great.

"Hey Chika, what's your name? I'm Chargebolt." His voice was full of confidence, and his entire body language was loose.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, wondering if pro heroes were supposed to talk to survivors like this. He waited for an answer, a goofy smile plastered on his face. I clenched my jaw,  the immaturity of the Pro Hero-... No. I wouldn't call him a pro just yet. A sigh of annoyance escaped my lips, the abnormal behaviour from the hero,"ChargeBolt", worsened my mood.

My jaw began to ache with how hard I was clenching down on it. With gritted teeth, I finally spoke.
"My name is [Name]."

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