Chapter 2

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A loud ring filled Amber's ears, she shot out of bed and slammed her alarm clock. She rushed to her dresser to pick what to wear for the field trip. They are going to stay at the campsite for a week. She scrambled through her clothes and found a pair of tight light green shorts. Then she went through her tank tops. She picked a white one, then put them on and looked in the mirror. Then she returned to her dresser, pulled out a jean sweater, and put it on. Then she returned to the mirror. "nice," Amber said. She walked over to the bathroom to put on makeup. She pulled out some lotion and lightly rubbed it into her face. Then to her mascara, she put some on both eyelashes. "Amber! Your friends are here to take you to school!" Amber's Mom yelled from the living room. 

Amber ran out of the bathroom, grabbed her bag, and rolled her suitcase down the stairs. "Hurry up! We have to pick up Lily," Malcolm said. He sat in the driver's seat of a no-roofed red car. Amber rolled her luggage over to the trunk. She opened it at stuffed her suitcase in. Then she shut the door and hopped in the back seat. The car sped past cute bungalows and parks, till they arrived at Lily's house. Her house was huge it looked as big as the white house. Suddenly a girl spang out of the mansion, Cotton Candy hair and a cute dress. She pulled a bag full of her stuff. "Are we going to Aron's?" Lily asked as she got in. "Nah, He only has to walk half a kilometer," Malcolm said. They drove towards Aron's house for some reason. Then instead of stopping, they waited for Aron to come out. Then as soon as he came out they sped away to school. "Ha ha!" Malcolm said. "MALCOLM!" Aron yelled. "Your dead" Aron whispered under his breath. Aron put his colossal backpack on and ran. He caught up with the car. "Oh no! He caught us!" Malcolm said sarcastically. Then he stepped on the gas. The car sped off toward the school. 

They turned and the bolding sign Welcome to Velgor High! was right there. They parked the car and entered the school. DING! The school bell rang. "Bye!" Amber walked over to her locker. She took out her pencil case. She thought about how weird her friends were. She closed her locker and jumped back to see a boy standing there with a bucket of flowers and a giant teddy bear. "Amber," He said as he got down on one knee. "Will you go to prom with me?" The boy held the teddy bear. Amber caught Kai looking at her with concern. Amber didn't want to hurt his feelings so she bent down and whispered in his ear, "Sorry, no I don't really like you," Amber slowly walked away. The boy dropped the gifts and cried. Kai smiled as the boy walked away. 

As Amber walked to her class she spotted 3 school buses arrive at the school. Why are the busses here so early Amber thought. "Class 42 and 43 I know I said that when you saw the school buses arrive you would go and board, but they are early so finish your morning class then go" The announcer shut the connection. Amber arrived at science, she sat down at her desk. The class started to talk a bit. Then the bell rang and the teacher walked in. The class fell silent. "You may work on your presentations," The teacher said, she sat down at her desk and opened her laptop. 

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