Chapter 15 - Forest Sisters

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"Easy, easy there we don't want any trouble." The M.A.-Sonic spoke calmly with a nervous smile, while being surrounded by three female bounty hunters - one yellow Rabbit and two green Pronghorns.

Flash Back ( Boars Forge )

Swift and Calasear sat quietly Inside of the Dimauck's living room. They were pondering over a certain piece of information that came to light, Thomas isn't a servant to Beak's family, the Ohuseas. Why would the young snow leopard lie about where he came from? Did he think by revealing where he came from they wouldn't help him? Or was it something else entirely? These were the duo's thoughts.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" The Hedgehog and living sword simultaneously asked each other. "What, really?" once more they talked in unison, now looking at one another.

The sound of doors opening caught the duos attention. Anna came walking into the room while carrying a tray with two cups. "I thought I'd bring something for you to drink, considering everything that has been going on, I mean." The female Boar replied as she put the tray down on a small wooden table.

"Actually, I think I do need one, thank you Anna." Swift gratefully clasped a cup, he looked into it and saw it was water, yet the cup felt warm. The blue Hedgehog raised a brow at the drink, he didn't expected this.

Anna saw the face Swift was making and so she elaborated. "We don't have the means to make juice or tea, only water and warm it up."

"Oh..." was the M.A.-Sonic's response. In a way, it made sense to him with the limited things to eat and drink. This water must have come from melted ice so the Boars could get something to fill their thirsts.

While the mammals were having their hot water in relaxing silence, Calasear was still mentally on the subject of Thomas. No matter how much he thought about it, he can't see the young snow Leopard having a malicious motive to not tell the truth. But one thing was true beyond a shadow of a doubt... Thomas was desperately trying to get away from something.

"Soooo, what were you two discussing?" Anna broke the silence, gaining their attention.

"We just recently found something that concerns an acquaintance of ours. We're trying to 'fill in' the holes, so to speak." Calasear spoke up for them, thus coming out of his own thoughts.

"Well, why don't you just ask them directly for the answers?"

What Anna suggested made Swift and Calasear go quiet. The solution was so simple they never considered it before, especially since the blue Hedgehog could run like the wind to the Prowler's home and back to the Forge. It would also give Swift a chance to eat something other than mushrooms.

Unknown Forest

"It's a good thing we kept this cloak around or else bounty hunters would recognize me easily." Said the M.A.-Sonic dashing through the unnamed forest.

"I second that notion."

Before the duo left, they informed the Dimaucks and Mari of where they were headed. When the young wizard heard of their destination and the person they spoke of, she wanted to come as well. But sadly for Mari, she was instructed to remain with the Boars until Swift and Calasear returned. Mari knew their reasons for not allowing her to come and so she stayed. Swift tried to reassure the Racoon that next time would be different.

"I feel kind of bad for not bringing Mari along." The M.A.-Sonic sadly spoke.

The living sword heard what his apprentice said, and as the Hedgehog's mentor he tried to comfort Swift. "You have nothing to feel bad about - we only left Mari for her own protection. If she came with, then we would unintentionally turn her into a target."

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