Chapter 16 - Ways Of The East

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It hadn't been long since everybody took the unconscious she-Tiger into the house. To Swift, the inside of the sisters' home had everything a normal house possessed. A kitchen, green and brown furniture, as well as stairs that led up to another floor.

The M.A.-Sonic's eyes fell down on small wooden animals, horses, chickens, pigeons and squirrels neatly layed out along the shelf. These must have been what the sisters were playing with while growing up. Swift's gaze then wandered around the room to five beds on either side of the room ordered around the furniture.

But the sight made him think. "Why are there five beds? And where were their parents? Are they out to- ...oh." The swordhog had, regrettably figured it out. With Galotum's current state, most cases something bad would've happen to someone's loved one. Thus they were no longer here.

"Urrr." A feminine groaning drew Swift's attention, as he turned his head to the downed Tiger who was now set up on one of the beds.

Clover excruciatingly analyzed every detail of their guest, from the fabric of the cloak to the she-Tiger's fur. Clover came to one conclusion as she spoke in her usual monotone. "She is without a doubt, not from Galotum."

"You said it, the way her sword looks is also a dead give-away." Cassa replied as she observed the she-Tiger's foreign weapon in her hands. It felt lighter than a regular sword, but also really well balanced and Cassa had a feeling that, despite the thin blade, it could inflict some deep injuries.

The sisters' conversation caught Swift's interest. "Wait, wait, wait." His response drew the two Pronghorns focus to him. "There's... other kingdoms?"

"Well yeah, we don't know how many or which one she came from." Bell answered.

"Wow, that's... incredible."

"And what of the young lady?" Calasear asked this time, in a rather concerned tone to the supposed 'swordswoman' in question.

Clover rubbed her chin in thought. "Hmmmm, judging by how far she must have travelled in those uncomfortable wooden clogs-things, in her condition it could either take her till tomorrow to wake up, or till-"

"Lord Genjouru!!" The white Tiger suddenly inhaled and exclaimed as she quickly sat up with her eyes wide in terror. This made everybody momentarily flinch, as she continued to breath stained but deeply.

"Or... it could be now." The purple-eyed Deer said.

A few minutes passed to calm down the heavy-breathing Tiger. Everyone sat around her so they could get an explanation from the mysterious guest.

"My name is Ling-ling, thank you for your hospitality." The now identified Ling-ling curtly bowed her head to the four mammals and living sword.

"It's okay, so Ling-ling how did you find your way hear?" The M.A.-Sonic curiously asked, sitting on the chair backwards with his arms crossed on the backrest.

The white Tiger didn't say anything as she took in her surroundings. The Hedgehog that spoke to her was on her right and next to him a white and yellow sword. On her left was a green Pronghorn with a yellow Rabbit next to her. The final individual was another Pronghorn, similar to the last one. But something told Ling-ling this Pronghorn was the second sharpest katana in the house.

"I come from a land far away from this one, called Ja'ching. I originally came to Galotum because I needed help." The Ling-ling finally answered Swift's question as everyone leaned in to listen more.

"Three of the four Ninja clans, banded together and led by two individuals. One calls himself the Iron King and the other Trinity." The she-Tiger seemed to spit out the last name like venom, thus giving everyone that didn't come from her home the impression that she loathed this person.

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