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Charlee sat in bed and groaned. She knew that her head was a mess over the thought that she could be pregnant. Charlee knew how thongs hadn't been easy and how she was just getting her eating on track and she knew that a pregnancy would have a big impact on that

Charlee looked to see Tom as he walked into the bedroom and smiled

"Are you okay?" He asked as she looked to him and sighed

"I don't know I don't feel well and I'm scared what if I am pregnant. Mentally I don't know if I am ready. I would love a baby with you but my health has to come first" Charlee said as Tom sat in the bed with her and smiled

He took a hold of her hand and smiled as he looked to her "it's going to be okay. If you are pregnant we will talk over it and we will decide what to do. We need to talk a tear and find out for sure but no matter what it says I am by your side and I am here" he said as Charlee looked to him and smiled

She placed her hand on his cheek and smiled as she leant in and kissed him and smiled. Charlee knew how messy that things were and she was glad that she had Tom and she knew that she just wanted to make it all work out

Charlee knew that none of it was going to be easy

Cjree got to work and stood in the staffroom and smiled as she looked to see Lacey

"How are you feeling?" Lacey asked as Charlee looked to her and smiled

"Scared. I'd love to have a baby don't get me wrong but the putting on weight and all. I had an eating disorder and it won't be good for my mental health" Charlee said as lacey looked to her and smiled

"I know how hard it is. But you will be okay. You have Tom and you will both get through this and you will work it out. You need to take a test and find out for sure before you start to worry. Look pregnant or not. You have Tom and the two of you will get through it together" Lacey said

Charlee looked to her and smiled. Charlee knew that Lacey was right and how she had to find out for sure but it scared her

Charlee knew how much that she wanted to be a mum and she wanted it to be easier than it was but she was terrified. Charlee only hoped that everything would be okay

Charlee sighed as she stood in the staff toilets. She felt anxious. She knew that she was anxious over what the pregnancy test was going to say. Charlee ran her hands through her hair and smiled

Charlee knew that if she was pregnant how it would change everything and she knew that she was ready for it. Charlee walked over to the text and picked it up and smiled as she held it in her hands

Charlee took a hold of the test and sighed as she looked down at it to see that it was...

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