"Yes. Sorry. Octavia, this is Colonel Diyoza." Bellamy introduced


"Used to be. Love the war paint, by the way."

There was thick tension between the two leaders...

"Ok, so how do we do this?" I ask, changing the subject

"Two at a time. Why don't you people get your things, and we'll get started as soon as we're ready topside?" Diyoza announces

No one moved.

They looked at Octavia and once she nodded her head, everyone went to gather their belongings.

"Exactly how many people should we be prepping for extraction?" Mccreary asks

"1,200." I inform

"814." Octavia corrects

Bellamy and I look at Octavia like she's crazy but she didn't seem fazed.

"Copy that. The number of people were saving today is 814. You got that Shaw? How's it coming up there?" Diyoza radioed on an earpiece

Octavia was lifted up and as she ascended everyone chanted "Kom folau oso na gyon op." From the ashes we will rise.


After we were all out, I stood next to Bellamy, Octavia, Indra, and Clarke.

"The deal was no weapons." Bellamy whispered when he noticed Miller was armed

"Not my deal." Octavia shrugged

"I need to talk to you in private. Give me a second then follow me." Bellamy says before walking off.

Octavia rolls her eyes and follows after Bellamy after waiting for a bit.


I turn to see Gaia with a bright smile on her face


"Heda. People have started to forget about you being Commander being that you look different but I don't think Octavia has. It's not safe for you. I need to explain when we're alone." Gaia frowns

I was beyond confused but nodded

"People can't see us talking too much. If people tell Octavia, she might think we're trying to replace her." Gaia tried to explain before walking off.


It was nightfall and everyone made garbage fires to keep warm. We were still in Polis and I was warming up my hands.


They used their weapons to destroy our fountain.

"Sorry about your pretty fountain, but that was only half power. I know most of you are armed. If anyone moves for a weapon, you'll see what full power dose to human flesh. It's not pretty." Diyoza threatens

"Hey! What the hell are you doing? One call from me-" Bellamy reminds

"Make your call."

"Raven, come in. Read me?"

No answer.

"The deals off, but nobody has to get hurt." Diyoza reassures

"Someone's coming!"

Clarke runs up to us, confused.

"Hold your fire. Where's your mother?" Diyoza questions

"She's our doctor. You can't have her." Octavia refused

"She asked you a question. Where is the doctor?" Mccreary asked, pointing the weapon to Clarke

"That's right! You're not so tough now, are you?" One of the people mocked, pointing the weapon at Octavia.

Our people were about to attack but Octavia stopped them.

"I'm right here! Don't shoot."

We turn to see Abby and Kane come out of one of the buildings.

"We'll come without a fight."

"I bet you will, traitor." Octavia grumbled

"We?" Diyoza questions

"The two of us. Those are my terms." Abby proposes

"I see where your daughter gets it from. Take them both." Diyoza orders

"Mom what're you doing?" Clarke frowns

"I love you, Clarke." Abby frowns before her and Kane were taken

"Okay then here are my terms. The valley is ours. Any attempt to get there will be met by force. As long as you stay here, we won't have a problem. Is that a problem?" Diyoza asks

"What about Raven and Murphy?" Bellamy questions

"For now, insurance. Let's go. On me. Szybunka, that's an order." Diyoza orders

I notice Octavia smirks at the man, causing him to shoot at her but people sacrifice themselves by jumping in front and taking the damage.

Since I was near Octavia, I was sent flying backwards with her and I felt a ringing in my ear.

"Szybunka you idiot! Get to the ship now!" I hear Diyoza order

Thanks to that asshole, we're now at war.

I look to the left and see Octavia took the most damage other than the person who sacrificed their life for her.

"Octavia are you okay? Indra!" I yell

I ignore the headache and Indra helped Octavia up.

"I trusted you. This is your fault!" She scolded Bellamy

"Blodreina... what do we do now?" Miller frowned

"Now we go to war." Octavia seethes

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