355 5 4

Charlie: 16

Nick: 18

Charlie's POV:

"You're so slow!" I shouted and stopped running, turning around to look at a bumbling Nick.

"You're just inhumanly fast!" He finally catches up with me and stops, placing his hands on his knees and breathing heavily.

"Do I hear a hint of jealousy?"

Nick whips his head up, and a look of sternness with a hint of playfulness appears on his face, "Absolutely not! You wish," he sticks his tongue out at me and I return the favor.

"Come onnn, let's just go!" I reply and pull him inside. We swiftly climb up my stairs and enter my room where we both flop down on my bed.

"Soo, what did you want to do?" Nick asks shyly, I can hear the blush in his voice.

We lay on our sides to face each other and laugh, How is it still this awkward?

"I dunno," I reply innocently.

"Oh yeah?"

Nick picks me up and swings me over his body so that I'm straddling him while he's laying down.

"You didn't want to do something like this, by chance?"

I blush and hide my face in the crook of his shoulders, "You can't just do things like that! You know how much it makes me want to kiss you."

"What if that's the goal? What if I want you to kiss me, Spring?"

I sit back up and stare down at Nick, my Nick. Perfect Nick.

I smirk and begin leaning down, "That's all you had to say."

My lips connect with his and ignite a spark that's equal parts love and passion. We move in sync, his hands placed on my hips and mine tangled in his hair. Every time feels like the first time; electrified and foreign, as if we're the only two people who exist at that moment.

We hardly breathe the whole time, evidenced by the fact that when we finally stop we're both panting like dogs.

"That was..." Nick starts his sentence and trails off, keeping his hands at my waist.

I lay down on his chest and listen to the rapid beating of his heart, "Was it good...?" I ask quietly, still quite insecure after my "relationship" with Ben.

Nick scoffs, almost laughing, and hugs me tightly, "Was it good? Of course it was good! You're the best kisser I've ever kissed, Char."

I smile and give him another peck but Nick has other plans. One hand moves from my waist to my neck, pulling me down for another kiss. We stay like that for quite a while, kissing and breathing and existing together, how it should be. Nothing more, nothing less. Just Nick and Charlie.

Author's Note: I feel like this one is kind of bad but I need to get more practice at writing oneshots! And the only way to do that is to actually write, lol. I may update again later today and will definitely update scrawny (right after I publish this, in fact!) I hope you all enjoy some innocent Nick and Charlie kissing as much as I do :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2022 ⏰

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