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Requested by: my friend

Female reader x delinquent

Information before continuing:
There might be a few gore and the chapter is fluff

[NAME] is a new team mate of the [COLOR CHOICE],and delinquent took notice how clumsly she is,it remind him of himself when its his first day on his team.
He decided to help her with her aim,and boom sweet victory they get,its all thanks to delinquent

word count:1010



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delinquent pov

today they said their gonna be a new team mate huh?,hope fully their useful to the team.beret seem to notice me lost in my mind he taps my shoulder and said

"dalinquent your'e thinking what the new team mate would be right?"
he asked me,i was really nervous since hes the team leader here

before i manage talk more beret cut me off

"ya don't need to be worried kindo,shes average shes not bad nor good"
he said and also the team mate is a girl?,that's rare the only female are scare crow here.anyways we waited for her to come,she arrive perfectly in time

"you came just in time,don't disappoint me out there"
after he said that we were ready on our position,i glance at her check her out.she wear a short jeans a tang top she wear glove and have a googles on her head
"uuh what ya looking at?"
ask the girl
"nothing sorry,i was just wanna know about you more-"
before i could even finish my words with her the round already starts,we all ran around finding our enemy team,i saw witch behind the sand castle,i was about to shoot her but someoen beat me to it.i thought it was beret but boy was i wrong it was none other than the new girl herself with a sniper,she was struggling abit.
before i could go up i got shotted on the shoulder by rex,he was about to kill me before the new girl killed him with her sniper,she go down and took me to the blue house,as we arrive there she looked at me with a worried look

"come her i have some medication"
i came close to her,she pull out a bandage out of the box
"ya mind you know open your'e shirt soo i can"
"oh yeah sorry"
when she was saying that she blushed abit then brush it off,after she pach me up i stand up
"so whats your'e name?"
"oh sorry didn't tell ya sooner,names [NAME] nice meeting you..."
"nice name you have there"
she said with a smile in her face,i was off on my mind for a few second before i realize that we we're still at the match
"we have to win now [NAME],beret wouldn't like if we loses again"
"well you see uhm"
she was abit nervous but then she blurp it out
"its just that's it's hard for me to snip people if they are moving very fast"
she said with a small giggle at the end
"i may can teach you,but im not a professional"
after i said that her eyes turned into eyes
"thank you soo much i owe you my life!"
she said trying not to scream and give away our location
as we run to on top of the sand castle we saw a few enemies up there we both manage to kill them
"ok so you see that person right there?"
i said to her pointing at ace pilot
"before you try to snip her make sure you know where she'll move next"
she gave me an 'uh-huh' as a respond
she then manage to miss one time before she shots her again sadly it misses and it alerted ace pilot,i duck down so she cant see me good thing she cat see [NAME] since she was lying down.
"ok here let me help"
i said to her, i approach her i then put my hands on hers.it was soft....focus delinquent! focus!
"like this.."
i said as i shot at ace pilot where she was going
"soo like this?"
[NAME] asked,as she shoot pizza guy
"yes great job!"
i said with abit of excitement,i've never been this happy before...
"ok lets go and get some kills and win once for all!"
she said with a cheery tone
"alright i got your'e back"
i said with a small smile form in my face
"and i have yours!"
she said with a close eyes and grind
we continue on as it feels like hours,beret keep glancing at me and [NAME] same with the others,i shook it off.something about her spark my emotion her cheery voice her accent her kindness....

she reminds me soo much of me before
i smiled looking up at her while shooting at an up coming people
we then saw that the round had ended,and we won beret was proud of her he was gessuring her how she maybe will be the new captain for this team,i actually really want her to be the team boss rather than beret and the other
"as a victory,ill buy everyone an ice cream"
said beret,like a proud father
"finally relaxing time"
said scare crow as she pants softly and [NAME] patting her back

-----time skip-----

as we all go out and get our ice cream,i look at scare crow and [NAME] trying to decide wich ice cream flavor they should have,scare crow seems to already close to [NAME] maybe because she'll finally have a girl to talk to.
as i was lost looking at both of them fungus nudge me to wich takes me back to reality
"you already have a crush on her?"
he said with a teasing tone
i didn't reply to him i just gave him my neutral face
he went back to eat and talk to beret
i then saw the girls coming over to sit next to us,i saw that they finally decided to order [FAVORITE FLAVOR ICE CREAM],took them long enough.
[NAME] was the one sitting next to me
they both chatted for a while ti'll she brings me up on her conversation
"-also delinquent help me with my snipping!-"
she was cut off by beret looking at me,i start to sweat
"why didnt you tell me?,that you could use a sniper?"
"well uhm-i not really good with it,im just good with pistol"
i said more and more sweats drop down from my forhead
"wow you really do have a cr-OW"
i pinch fungus before he could finish his words
the gang except [NAME] snickers at me,i turned abit red-ish
"why you guys snickerings?"
asked [NAME] in confusen
the gang just laugh at this

[NAME] was the one sitting next to methey both chatted for a while ti'll she brings me up on her conversation"-also delinquent help me with my snipping!-"she was cut off by beret looking at me,i start to sweat"why didnt you tell me?,that you could...

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