8 Girls Just Want to have Fun

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Steve had come back to find you and Tony hugging it out, he gave you a lift back upstairs to your room where Wanda was waiting for you.

"I'm here to help you get ready for tonight" she say digging through your draws.

"Where are your nice pyjamas Charlie" she asks.

"Why do I need nice pyjamas for a pamper night?" you eye her warily.

"Its what me and Nat do to make it feel a bit more special, we know we could go to an actual spa but we never get left alone so we do it here and dress for the occasion" she shrugs at you.

"Bottom draw" you tell her.

She rummages around a bit and pulls out a baby blue lace bralette and matching shorts, smirking she tosses the garments at you. You raise a brow at her choice but sigh and head for the shower.

"Just clean your face, don't put anything on after okay?" you hear through the door.

Pulling on the fancy pyjamas you open the door, Wanda whistles at you and winks.

"That big doof god doesn't know what he's missing" she giggles.

There's a knock on your door and Steve pops his head in and blushes at the sight of you.

"Charlie you look uh nice, uh I'm your lift to your girls night" his face is flushed red and he stares at the floor.

Stepping up to lift you, he carefully chooses places to put his hands, you smile at the thought of Steve ever trying to have a grope.

"Its fine Steve just grab me and go" you give him a reassuring smile.

Taking a deep breath he errs on the side of caution and sweeps your legs up behind your knees and makes sure his arm is in the middle of your back.
Chuckling at him he practically runs to the lounge with you. Putting you down on the couch he flees from the room.

"Ready for girls night?" Nat asks, shes dressed in a black silk nightgown.

"Sure, is there drinks?" you ask.

"Can you have a drink?" she looks skeptical.

"Well Bruce hasn't prescribed anything yet so fill me up" you laugh.

Nat makes drinks at the bar while you both wait for Wanda to get ready. You look around the lounge and see some fairy lights hanging and dozens of cushions lying around infront of the TV. There's a stack of dvds on the floor and a large box full of nail polish and on the table different bottles of face creams, tweezers, nail files and even a foot polisher.

Wanda finally appears wearing a dark red pyjama playsuit, Nat puts the drinks on the table and starts arranging the cushions for you all to sprawl on.

"Okay we are doing face masks and toe nails first and just putting something random on for background noise so we can talk" she pulls you up and helps you on to a pile of cushions.

They are set up in a way that Nat's feet will be in Wanda's lap, Wanda's feet on your lap and yours in Nat's lap, all the foot tools and polish in the middle where you can reach them. Once you all pick colours everyone gets started and the conversation starts up.

"You never did tells how you actually felt about Thor, Angel" Wanda starting on the heavy stuff.

"I like him, like a lot. When he kissed me it was amazing, I haven't felt that way in a long time" you sigh.

"I'm gonna kick his ass when he gets back" Nat grumbles and you smile at her.

"So you want a relationship with him then?" Wanda asks.

"Yes" you whisper.

"He needs to come back first though, I thought we would talk today but he went home and it left me feeling a bit rejected honestly" you give a small smile.

"Been there, done that. If it makes you feel better though I don't think Thor left on purpose, like to escape I mean. When he has left in the past without telling anyone its been for something important" Nat smiles at you.

"Nat have you seen, oh shit. I'm leaving, I'm leaving. Didn't realise it was girls night" Sam runs out of the lounge, last time he interrupted girls night Nat kicked his ass for a week in training.

Nat looks at Wanda, raising an eyebrow at her.

"Don't look at me, I emailed everyone about girls night. Not my fault he didn't read it" says Wanda.

"What do you think?" Nat points to your now lovely sparkly blue toes with a smile.

"Very nice, thank you. Wanda can you grab the pink smoothie face mask please" Wanda uses her powers and lifts it to you.

"What do you want Nat?" she asks.

"Ooh I wanna try the blue fizzy one" Wanda passes it over.

You try to sit up to use the mirror but groan in pain, it feels like your bones are grinding together.

"Here lie back Angel I'll do yours" says Nat patting a pillow.

Lying back comfortably Nat starts spreading pink goop on your face, it smells wonderful and is making you hungry.

"So are you going to ask him out? or talk first?" Wanda asks you.

"Should probably talk don't you think?" your unsure of what you really want to do.

"Personally I would fuck first and talk after, don't look at me like that Wanda, what if they don't get another chance?" Nat explains.

You laugh at Nat, as crude as she is she has a point. What if you don't get a chance to have a relationship, could you deal with just having sex once and leaving it at that.

"Talk to him Charlie, I know its cliché but honesty really is the best policy. Besides I don't think Thor is a sex and gone kind of guy" you roll your eyes, he was a kiss and gone kind of guy though.

"I'm hungry, we ordering the Chinese soon?" you ask.

"Friday put our usual order in please" calls Nat.

"Already done Miss Romanoff" the AI tells you.

"I heard Chinese, are you sharing?" Tony walks into the lounge.

"Who let the clowns in" he laughs.

Your face is covered in pink mush, Nat's face is blue and fizzing and Wanda chose and expanding foam mask and looks like a grey cloud. You giggle, the sight of your three faces is hilarious.

Tony looks around at the room seeing all the things Wanda set up earlier.

"Holy shit, is it girls night? I'll eh I'll just be going" he darts out the room realising that Nat is scowling at him.

The three of you laugh at Tony's sudden retreat, Friday announces the food and Nat runs to get it. After everyone is settled with washed face they dig in to their food. Putting on some stupid scary movie you all keep talking through. Your sat on the floor between Nat's legs while she plays with your hair, putting it in different styles while listening to Wanda go on about her mission suit.

"I like it but have you noticed when you run the pants go right up your ass. Its like Tony designed them to give you the ultimate wedgy" you all laugh because she's not wrong.

"At least yours are separate pants, with my cat suit you can't pull the wedgy out" she tells you laughing.

"Yea cat suit's look great and I can live with the wedgy its the boob zip that annoys me, do you think Stark makes them all sexy on purpose because he told me that a zip going all the way up would restrict movement" you laugh.

"On purpose" all three of you say together and burst into another round of laughter.

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