7 Angry Young Man

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Thor had spoken to his father's healers about Charlie's injury. A lot of Asgardian medicine would harm rather than heal her but they had a few which would speed up the process, rather than months they would take weeks to repair the damage. The head healer had told him he was overreacting to a human who had their own doctors and knew better than them, she had watched his face as she explained, seeing it grow darker at her words.

She had gasped in realisation, he loved the mortal. A human woman had swayed the princes heart and nothing she would say about the medicine would stop him. So she found a few different weak potions that she hoped would help the woman for her princes sake.

Charlie had sat on the balcony for nearly two hours now, lunch would be done soon. She had tried to read her book but couldn't keep her concentration on it, her mind wandered to Thor repeatedly. His hand on her leg, his tongue in her mouth, it was making her squirm with lust. She liked him a lot and wanted him desperately but she honestly didn't know where she stood with him. It had been all heat last night at the party until the fight and then he went home without a word to anyone. It was making her nervous at what would happen when he got back. Sighing she picked up her book and tried again managing a few chapters before her mind wandered.

Nat sat and watched Charlie through the window, she could almost feel the sadness coming off her. She couldn't wait for Thor to get back so she could ream his ass for leaving without a word. Charlie hadn't shown interest in anyone since she got here and Nat wasn't about to let her get hurt on the first guy who cracked her shell even if it was Thor. Nat didn't really believe Thor would hurt Charlie, he was a gentleman towards any woman but leaving without talking to Charlie about last nights dance and kiss was strange, he had better have a good reason for it. Sighing she drummed her fingers on her leg, she needs to cheer Charlie up. Pulling out her phone she messaged Wanda about a girls pamper night, she would go get some face masks, movies, nail polish and Chinese food that should do it for now. Wanda messaged back saying she was in and going to take over the lounge for them.

Getting up she headed for Charlie seeing her still struggle to concentrate on her book.

"Hey Angel, you, me and Wanda are having a pamper night in the lounge tonight okay?" she says.

"Uh yea okay, what are we doing?" you ask.

"Chinese food, movies, face masks and all that jazz" Nat tells you.

"Sounds good, you heading to lunch I'm starving?" you ask.

Nat nods and helps you up, hobbling slowly towards the kitchen. You can smell pizza. It's Tony's turn to cook but it actually surprises you that he made a homemade pizza, it smells delicious and your stomach gurgles. The joys of being a tall muscular woman ment you could eat, a lot. And you did, you weren't ashamed of liking food so you hoped Tony had made more than one pizza.

Sitting at the family table, everybody else was already there except Bruce and Tony. Bruce forgets to eat as much as Tony does so he was probably still in his lab. Tony came out the kitchen holding two very large pans of pizza. Placing them on the table Charlie hummed in delight while others oo'd and aa'd.

"Friday tell Bruce to get his butt here now please" barks Tony.

"On it boss" she replies.

Plates were handed down the table along with glasses and cutlery, once it was all dispersed Tony started cutting up the pizzas.

"Dig in everyone" he smiles while grabbing a large slice of cheesy pizza.

"How you feeling Charlie?" asks Sam.

"For having a fractured hip I'm good" she smiles.

"Wait its a fracture now, it was just a bruise last night" says Tony, he gives Steve a glare.

"Yea a stress fracture, Bruce said he sent you the report" you say confused.

Tony pulls out his phone and starts tapping away, huffing and tutting as he reads the report.

"Bruce says no missions or training for at least two months!" he does not look happy.

"Yea he said the fracture could turn into an actual break if I aggravate it" you furrow your brows, your injury should not be making him this mad.

Bruce walks in and grabs two slices before sitting down.

"Sorry I'm late got carried away again" he shovels pizza onto his mouth not noticing the disgruntled look Tony is giving him.

"Two months?" Tony says in Bruce's direction. Bruce completely oblivious keeps eating.

"Bruce, two months for Angel's recovery. Is that necessary?" Tony sounds pissed now.

Bruce looks up, pizza hovering in front of his open mouth, he looks to Charlie then Tony looking confused.

"Eh yea, if she does anything to strenuous before that she risks an actual break which will require surgery and be off on medical leave for even longer" he looks to Steve for back up.

"I'm with Bruce on this Tony, she needs to heal" Steve says.

"You can't be happy with this?" Tony asks you.

"No but I'm not about to go against it either. I would rather not end up needing hip surgery at twenty eight thanks very much." you laugh trying to lighten the mood.

Tony looks at everybody, grabs a slice and leaves the room muttering under his breath.

"I'll talk to him" you get up slowly.

Steve grabs you from behind and picks you up walking to the lift.

"I'm going to get used to being carried all over if your not careful" you laugh at him.

"I'm sure Thor will carry you anywhere you want" he smiles at you.

"I wouldn't be to sure about that" you mutter.

The lift door opens and he walks you up to Tony's lab door, knocking he holds you waiting for answer. When there is none he pushes the door open and takes you to a chair and sits you down.

"Wait here I'll get him for you" Steve heads around the desk looking for Tony.

"He'll be looking for a while" Tony says dejected behind you. Jumping you turn to see him there moping.

"Hey tin man, what's going on with you?" you say kindly to him.

"Don't know what your talking about?" he says.

"Tony, you had a complete overreaction to my medical leave, what's going on? please tell me" you ask.

"I'm going to loose you" he mumbles.

"Loose me how?" you furrow your brows confused at his reply.

"I just got a best friend and now your hurt and Thor is going to take you away and everything is falling apart" he rushes out.

He's worried about me leaving you realise, you laugh. You can't help it but you let out a loud belly laugh. Bless his heart, he thinks your going to leave him.

"Wow, thanks. I tell you my fear and you laugh at me Angel. That's not cool" he has a stern look on his face, taking a deep breath you calm yourself.

"Tony I love you, very much. And I'm not going anywhere I promise, at least not by choice" you say pragmatically.

He gives you puppy eyes but looks a bit happier at your words.

"What about Thor?" he asks.

"What about Thor? what does he have to do with anything?" your completely flabbergasted now.

"Well you and him are... you know? What if he takes you to Asgard?" he says.

"Pity party for one please! Tony we kissed and danced and you've got me married off already. I don't even know whats going on, he left last night and I haven't seen him since" you huff out, aggravation at Thor and Tony's behaviour filling you.

"What do you mean he left?" great now Tony is angry.

"Steve heard the bifrost last night and nobody has seen him since" you say quietly.

"Oh shit, you must be pissed" he looks at you.

"What do you think?" you growl out.

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