Deadly Time

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Warning: Suicidal themes/hints

Sitting on the kitchen floor
Staring at the ceiling and the door
Unable to move from my dorm
Too tired to stay in my love.

The moonlight is too bright for me
My heart breaks slowly and it pains me
Close to the end and hospital bed
Rhyming my own words with my lies

The mood escalates when I wake up
The middle of the day and night dies
Keeping my life to myself whenever
Making sure I am in a bubble every time

Dying inside and outside
Deteriorating organs and mind
Feeling my brain die slowly and painfully
I need you to sleep one last time

Too young to die, too old to live
They never listened to your cries
Why think they'll care enough to lie?
Close my eyes and leave me to die

Throw up your guts and smile for a pic
Their image is more important than you are
Capable of dying in front of them
Incapable of getting the needed help

Blow the light candles for me
And if I make it to eighteen
Please kill me by then, love
I don't think I can handle us together

Holding so much weight of the world
Keeping my head low and walking away
Slowly dying and decaying
Ending it all in a slow and sure lie.

On and off relationships and moods
Lying to my love and friends
My body is decaying and I am trying
An episode of swinging and crying.

-written by G (<3)

Poems by The Living Tombstone SystemWhere stories live. Discover now