Your Love, Salt On Wounds

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Oh baby you taste sweet
Maybe you can give me a night of fun
Does your love feel that sweet?
Or am I just played for fun?

I'm over you, you know that.
A quick moment isn't bad
Maybe I have a sweet tooth for that
For me you're poison type of bad.

Dreaming you at night
Placing my head on your pillow
Feeling you close at night
I'm crying on your favourite pillow

I'll give you all I have, babe
I'm not worried about you
You should be worried about your babe
I'm not yet tired of you

Tired is a strong word
Fucking tired of loving you
Write down word for word
What you want me to tell you

I'll tell you everything love
If it means you'll stay the night
Salt on my wounds for your love
You're like the sun at night

I don't care who he is
Never better than who I am
Remember me, not who he is
You love me how I am.

Fuck your own blood and life
Addiction is hard for me
Your body is my life
Your love is only for me

I am addicted to everything you say
Fuck if I know what you meant
Your words are needed for what I say
Maybe next time tell me what you meant

Never leave me honey
You won't regret staying with me
Your lips taste like honey
The salt on my veins might burn me.

Do you think you can stay with me?
You have no choice.
You're a mess for me.
And I am all you have as a choice.

Worship me and cry for me
You're perfect how you are
Maybe one day you'll be for me
Now I am leaving you how you are.

Fun while it lasted, right?
Maybe next time I will get to taste more.
He was always right
Next time maybe trust him more.

Or let me get inside again
My heart is open for you
Get down again
I am ready for you.

-written by G (<3)

Poems by The Living Tombstone SystemDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora