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"hey lover, whatcha doing." yelena asked walking to you'r shared bedroom. "playing minecraft. wanna join" you said looking at her. you knew yelena never played this game, but you also knew she could never say no to you. "yea sure but you have to teach me a little." she said walking over plopping on the bed next to you.

you grabbed a control on the dresser and walking back over to yelena handing it to her. she smiled and turned it on, soon joining your game. "where are you." yelena asked walking around with her character. "look at the top left, try to make the numbers match." you said pointing the left corner on the screen.

you two played for a while. you building the house while yelena just ran around.

"this game follows no laws. how can i punch a tree and actually get wood from it." she said totally confused but still doing it. "well because that's how you get things in the first place." chuckling at her question. i mean she wasn't wrong, this game does really make no sense if you think about it.

"OMG Y/N HELP IM GETTING HURT." she screamed. you looked over at her screen seeing a zombie hitting her. "ITS NOT NIGHT HOW ARE YOU ALIVE." she screamed running away from it. "lena just hit it back." you said fully laughing now. "it's gonna kill me." she said still running away. "no it won't just hit it back." you said trying to get your girlfriend to just kill the monster. "NO Y/N COME HELP ME." she said now on top of a tree where it can't get her. "ok i'm coming." you ran to where yelena character was, and killed the monster. you the only one actually trying to play means you had the tools to kill it faster.

"uh y/n, you saved me. thank you." yelena said getting off the tree. you giggled at how relived yelena was that you killed the zombie. "anything for you babe." you said now walking back to your little wooden house.

you kept building the house and a little garden, when yelena screamed again. "BABE THERES SOMETHING HERE." you looking over at her screen seeing a sheep. you needed one more piece of wool to make a bed. "ong yel get that. it's just a sheep. it can't hurt you." you said trying to get her to kill the sheep. "really, you promise it won't hurt me." "ik it won't." you said back to her.

yelena got the wool and went back the house now that the sun was setting since she doesn't do well with the monster.

you finished the house and got the last piece of wool from yelena. "babe do you want me to put your bed near mine." you asked "i would be hurt if you didn't." she said back, while putting flowers in the pots randomly scattered around the house. you placed the yellow beds next to each other. walking around your cute little house. "it's so cute baby, i wish we lived like this in really life." yelena said walking around as well. "thanks babe. i know, i would love living here." you said back just thinking about you and yelena living alone. "but no monsters, i don't wanna live with monsters outside." she said walking over to her bed. "yes ok no monster."

you walked over to your bed and clicked on it sleeping. yelena doing the same thing next to you. "goodnight babe."yelena said back as her characters screen went black "goodnight love." you said back, and sheik planting a kiss on your cheek.

hi!!! sorry for not posting but i literally have no ideas. i also start school in two weeks which i'm flab abt. anyways pls send me request and make take care.

yelena one shotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant