Start from the beginning

"Jeez fine. You should stay away from five. He's my brother and I know what is good and bad from him and you are bad. My family has already lost too much and he is the only ticket out of here and I can't let you sabotage that." Allison ranted as Bellatrix nodded along to every sentence.

Bellatrix did feel bad for the woman, she lost her child and the love of her life, and that's ought to be bad. "Ok," Bella stated and went to close the door when Allison snapped... Yet again.

"What do you mean just ok?"

"Are you trying to start a fight here? Because you told me to stay away from five and I agreed, I don't want to put your life in more chaos than it already is in. Besides Five's an asshole." With that she closed the door and side, falling back onto her bed she finally drifted off into a peaceful slumber before Ben came knocking on the door and saying it was time.


"Beautiful, isn't it?" Fei stated as the rest of the Hargreaves met her downstairs where the ball of light was. All the young demon thought was how it was starting to hurt her eyes.

Diego let out a "wow" as others just stared in bewilderment, Bella had no clue how the rest of the 'family' could just stare at it though, it was more irritating than looking right at the sun. "Poor Icarus." Bellatrix mumbled, but of course five was next to her and sent the girl a questionable glance.

"That's what took Stanley." Lila scoffed, Bellatrix didn't particularly talk to the boy that much, but she did like him, he was a nice boy. Bellatrix looked at the floor as she shifted her weight to either foot, an awkward habit she had.

"Along with a few billion people." Fei added on to Lila's statement rather heartlessly, Bellatrix was a demon yet had more care within her. "Yeah, who I didn't know and don't care about." Lila finished as Bella pointed at her in agreement.

"Right. So it's all about you." Fei scoffed as Bella rolled her eyes,

"All of us are irrelevant." Five spoke up, in hopes he looked smart infant of Bella.

"Shut up Fei, can we just get on with this? I feel like I'm going blind." Bellatrix told them, receiving a sigh from Five, him trying to be smart in front of- well the person he has deep and utter feelings for ended up disagreeing with him.

"Uh, yep." Five rubbed the back of his neck before stepping forward to begin his talk, "This thing's gonna take the whole damn universe."

"What is it made of?"

"Micro black holes collapsing at increasingly short intervals." Simone informed everyone, this made Bellatrix grinned. She loved when the person who was stereotyped to be dumb outsmarts others. Simone was honestly one of the smartest people she knew.

"Why aren't we getting sucked inside? Five asked confused as he couldn't find an answer to this, it was strange. He always had some sort of answer.

"We have no abso-fucking clue." Bellatrix shrugged as Ben hissed "Language" at her, him looking older made him the big brother type best friend. "Shut up grandpa America."

"You shouldn't exist here," Sloane said rather harshly to the umbrella's, Bellatrix had to muffle her laughter when Luther's face dropped into something of a puppy who just got a new bone taken off him. "and neither should this."

"An impossibility for an impossibility." Five stated as honestly Bellatrix was bored out of her mind, she looked behind her and saw Allison leaning on the wall at the arch way looking as if she were to fall asleep, Bella felt a little jealous and decided to just sit on the floor. Right next to Five's feet coincidently.

When five was talking with the others, he suddenly felt something beside him and looked down to see a bored and tired Bellatrix, it was like he could feel his heart warming up, a swarm of butterflies flying around his gut as his body got shivers. Yep. No point in denying his feelings for the girl any longer. 'She's so cute... I want to sit next to her.'

Five finally went back into the conversation when he heard Sloane say to trap it.

"Dyon sphere?" He asked


"Okay." Five stated crossing his arms, but first glanced down to see bellatrix looking up at him. He stuttered for a moment before she sent him a tiny smile, one most wouldn't be able to see yet somehow everyone in the room caught it and smirk.

"Jesus, why can't they just rip off them clothes and get all this sexual tension over with?" Diego asked, this made everyone in the room laugh, well other than the two love birds who didn't hear.

"Confinement factor?" Five suddenly asked making everyones attention go back to him.

"0.98 at peak energy flux." Sloane approved his question.

"Tensile strength?" Five asked as Bella raised an eyebrow, catching on to what he was doing.

"UTS ceiling of 10,000 gigapascal's." Sloane nodded,

"Should I be finding this hot?" Lila asked

"Yeah. Im feeling that too? Is that bad?" Bella giggled standing up as she went over to Lila who wrapped an arm around her and brought her in, in a motherly way. Saying that the two had become very close was the understatement of the year.

"No! And yes!" Luther and Diego was quick to say as Ben screamed "Your underage! Stop getting hot for your boyfriend flirting scientifically with and older women!"

"He's not my boyfriend!" Bel;atrix groaned,

"Yet!" Fei exclaimed which was quite surprising to everyone, except Allison she seemed fed up.

"What do you think five? She asked him, referring to the plan yet he took it a completely different way.

"O- Oh? Uhm yea, I would like that- I mean Bellatrix is an amazin- no wondrous girl and-"

"Not her." Allison scoffed as everyone laughed at the two deep red blushes on both the teenagers faces.

"Ohh that.. Haha yep, could work." Five said rather awkwardly and embarrassed as Bellatrix hid her face in the crook of Lila's neck. "Or we could all die horribly." Five stated,

"Well I'm fine with death!" Bellatrix said though it was muffled. She looked up at everyone, "Im in."

"Me too." Five agreed, he was like a puppy, following his owner, and Ben did not like this.

"You're not the one we need." He glared at five.

"Excuse you?" Allison hissed at ben,

"For this to work we need Sloane, Lila, Bellatrix, Christopher, and-" Fei said but got cut off by Allison... Yet again.

"Viktor." Allison rolled her eyes. "Of course." With that she walked out.

"I can definitely believed she was an actress. With that dramatic walk and all." Bellatrix spoke as everyone looked at her, "What?... Wrong time?"










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