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It was a normal day. Until it wasn't. A gang that had been causing terror in the country had finally been caught thanks to the Sparrow academy. The world cheered and congratulated them as they were finally free from the murderous gang. Until they weren't.

Somehow, one by one they had been escaping prison. Not only that but they were aiming to kill the sparrow academy.

The moon was at its highest point in the night as the clock chimed twelve times. Midnight. The silence wouldn't last long though as the door had been torn off its hinges and thrown to the other side of the room as a stampede of people had stormed in, breaking anything in sight.

Everyone in the Hargreeve's house woke up in a frenzy, the children grabbing weapons from their room as pogo and Reginald had run out in worry. Wrong choice. The gang was quick to grab the two and hold them hostage.

"Children! Oh, children!" Said a shrill high voice.

The children met in the hallway not being seen as they made a plan.

Cassiopeia walked to the balcony where the whole gang could see her, she didn't show the shock she felt as she noticed over 50 people piled into the lounge room, some with knives, others with guns. Although each had a weapon.

She took notice of how every single one of them was men and scoffed lowly, "Hiya boys." The 14-year-old waved sweetly. As Reginald awkwardly smirked at her.

"If it isn't the nightmare. A pleasure to meet you." The leader spoke as the girl rested bored on the ledge of the balcony, the gang was shocked by this action not knowing how someone could be calm, let alone scared in the situation.

"I would say it's my pleasure because I have amazing manners, but... It really isn't, I was trying to get my beauty sleep." she hissed as a few men laughed in the gang and others tried to hold in their laughter. She slowly walked down the stairs the men watching her every move before she stood at the last step. "Now sorry for any inconveniences I may or may not cause but... Bye-bye."

The gang was confused as the leader spoke up but he didn't get so far, "What do you mean-?" the man was cut of by him getting decapitated by the flick of the wrist as the men screamed in horror and tried to run out as others shot at the girl. She used one hand to black the bullets making them go flying back at the people who shot them and with her other hand, she blocked every exit and locked them inside.

"Were sorry! I have a family!" I tall bald man spluttered out as Bellatrix just laughed,

"I- I- have a family!" She mocked "Yea bitch. I have one too and you're currently trying to kill them, I'll tell your family you love them yeah?" Turned out that bitch never had a family as Bellatrix boiled his inside causing him to explode everywhere, Reginald and Pogo had gotten safe behind the counter as Reginald called out to his daughter,

"Can you be a bit cleaner? Bloods hard to clean."

Bella quickly apologized as she got her siblings to keep the rest in the spot as the police came to take the lot back to prison.

From that day on the world begin to treat her like a nightmare. Most people were scared of her, everyone gave the girl their utmost respect. If you were not afraid of her then what a pity.

The other children were so very proud of her, she had just saved all their lives, Alphonso and Jayme couldn't think she was more badass.

"Holy shit you were amazing trix!" Jayme yelled as they were cleaning the mess in the house. Alphonso nodded along with her as Belatrix hid her face with her hair out of embarrassment.

"It wasn't that good, I was just helping my family." She shrugged as Alphonso rolled his eyes,

"That "I was trying to get my beauty sleep" part was fucking amazing! The look on that man's face when you killed the others it was amazing!" Alphonso disagreed as Bella tried not to laugh.

"You guys sure do use amazing a lot. Also, thank you."


Belatrix couldn't ignore that lingering feeling that something bad had happened anymore and wanted to see her family, but since she was stuck with the umbrellas they would probably not let her go. It's worth a try anyway.

"Hey," Belatrix said turning everyone's attention onto her as she stood there awkwardly from all the eyes staring into her skull. "I have to get home, my family are probably worried about me." She informed them as unbeknownst to her she was rocking from her heels to toe's, her hands clasped together behind her back. Five had noticed this was a small thing she would do when she was nervous or anxious. He looked at her in worry when he finally took notice of all the sympathetic type looks towards her, though some looked rather fake.

Just by these looks Belatrix knew something happened and raised an eyebrow, "I just want to go home to my family." She sounded like a mother but what she was saying was the truth. Learning about the world ending and her being destined to five was mind racking and she just needed to be with her siblings, maybe do one of those movie nights that Marcus would let them do every so often. That's when she remembered he was gone. Marcus was bloody gone.

"I'm so sorry." Luther began as Belatrix looked at him quizzically.

"What do you have to be sorry about." She said this rather harsh although you could hear the true emotion behind herself when her voice crack when she said "about", five and Lila were also highly confused and raised an eyebrow at them.

"Your family, they came here to get Marcus but because we didn't have him we started to fight and they died." Allison stated straight to the point, no sugar coating it as Belatrix felt like she was falling. Falling down a dark hole not knowing what was at the bottom.

"Their dead! You killed my family." Her voice went demonic like as two black and violet horns grew from her head making red sticky blood run down her face, her eyes were a vivid glowing red as she felt a rage within her. Her feet had risen from the ground as she looked down upon the umbrella academy.

It would be a lie if the umbrella's weren't terrified out of their minds. What was she? They were frozen with fear but in a blink of an eye she was gone.

"F- five." Allison muttered in a shaky voice grabbing everyone's attention. "What the hell is she?"

"A demon. A powerful one at that."


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