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"I have a gift for you," Daddy squeezed my hand tightly for a split moment. I smiled widely, even though it hurt to with my annoying braces. My father peered down at me, as I just barely made It to the height of the table we were sitting around. As he peered down, I saw the glint of love in his mismatched eyes. I smiled, I loved his eyes- our eyes, I reminded myself. However while his left eye was dark green and the right was dark brown, mine were vice versa.

"What is it? Tell me, Daddy!" I said, persistently. I swung my legs as if I was on a swing. I can't wait to be tall, I thought. The day I can reach the bottom of the chair I'll be a giant. Daddy laughed at my words, and he shook his head.

It was May 12th, a Friday. My birthday to be exact. My father had picked me up early from school to sneak me to the fair. We were currently at McDonald's because the food at the fair was far more expensive.

I bit off the end of a crinkled fry as he pulled out a blue box that was wrapped terribly. The wrapping paper stuck out at each end, a couple ends were even crumpled. The paper didn't even seemed to be cut properly with scissors, but instead by hand. But I didn't care. A present was a present. However, I couldn't hold in the laughter I had. I burst out laughing at Daddy, but he didn't mind. He gave me a goofy smile. "Go on," he insisted, "open it!"

I picked the box from his hand gently, beginning to use my nails to peel the tape off,and I slowly unwrapped the paper. I don't know why, but that was a tendency I used to have.

Once the paper was done with, I peered at the small velvet box that was left. I slowly opened it and saw something silver. Something amazing.

Daddy must've saw the look of surprise and confusion on my face, since he took the box from me and pulled out the silver piece of jewelry.

It seemed to be a bracelet that had some sort of strange, goofy looking symbol on it. "This," he pointed to it, "is an infinity sign. It stands for forever."

Daddy pulled a key ring out of his jeans' front left pocket, and flipped through several keys before something caught my eye. Another infinity symbol. It glistened brightly because of the ray of light that was shining through the McDonald's window.

"Thank you so much!" I exclaimed, and he helped put the bracelet on my right wrist.

"You're welcome, Pumpkin. Like I said earlier- Infinity stands for forever. For me, it means that I will never leave your side." Dad looked into my eyes, provoking me to give him a warm and radiant smile.

"I love you, and will continue to. Forever, and always."

The pounding on my bedroom door awakened me.

"Addie!" The pounding continued. I rolled over and shoved my face into my pillow. I heard the doorknob twist, and the door squeaked as it swung open. I slowly began dozing off, as I snuggled back into my warm, safe cozy haven. To my dissatisfaction, I was shook awake.

"Adelaide! Time to get up! We have a visitor!" My mom yelled into my ears. She began shaking my shoulders like there was no tomorrow.

"I'm up, I'm up!" I repeated myself as I hit the floor with a thud. My mom didn't acknowledge the fact I fell, as she trotted down the stairs. I could hear the weight of her feet hitting each step as she did so.

I stood up, groaning as everything came flooding back to me,. The sudden move to River Oaks and nearly getting ran over by that obnoxious self centered snob.

I checked the time, 6:23 in the morning. It's too early for life. I dragged myself down the stairs, not bothering to do anything about my appearance.

"I love your eyes, Marilyn. Thank you so much for willing to show my daughter around-" Mom continued to gush as I hit the last step. Glancing in her direction, I saw a young teenage girl. Probably around my age, seventeen. Her hair seemed to be penny brown, her petite nose had freckles dusted across it and her temples. Her sea-foam colored eyes dazzled with her light naturally pale skin.

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