|| These Are Not My Vows ||

Start from the beginning

The child smiled at me with her gray eyes which shined in the light "I can't believe I married you" "And I can't believe I slept with you, at least this child won't be a mistake and joke like her father" he looked out of the window while he frowned at me "You still haven't named her, give her a name so you can stop calling her 'child' and 'gremlin'"

"I'll name her when you are on your deathbed at least then I'd finally be free from you and your nagging" "What did I do to make you loathe me this much Yori?!" Yelling at me seemed to have upset our daughter who's eyes were watering then she suddenly started to wail. "What is this wretched sound?! Kisaki make it stop!" I handed our child to Kisaki as he frantically looked for a way to make the child stop crying. "W-What do I do?!" I chuckled as I saw him in such a frenzy "What are you laughing at?!" Suddenly the baby stopped crying and started laughing with me "It seems like she loves your laugh" I scooted closer to Kisaki as he placed the child on both of our laps.

"Masuyo Kisaki..." Kisaki looked at me with a shocked expression on his face "What did you say.." I sighed and held the child high "Your name is now Masuyo, you respond when called to and respect both your parents. Got that?" The baby smiled at me and i nodded my head as Kisaki stifled his laughter taking a glance at me "What are you laughing at Kisaki?!" "She's not a puppy Yori" I laid Masuyo on my lap while looking at Kisaki. "Let's at least give Masuyo a good future" he nodded his head as he looked at Masuyo sleeping on my lap holding his finger tightly. "It seems like she's as strong as you are" "Ofcourse she is, I am her mother, a queen, an empress, only my child could be as strong as me and surpass me" spoken with utmost confidence I looked at Kisaki who seemed disappointed.

"At least she'll have her father's intelligence and wits hopefully less cunning and evil" Kisaki laid his head on my shoulder as he stared at Masuyo. "I thought you were afraid of me killing you and leaving Masuyo" "I am but I'd be dumb to not enjoy this moment"

For once I looked into his eyes and smiled a genuine smile "Kisaki" he hummed in response before looking at me, I took his glasses off and put them besides me. I ran my hand through his hair and frowned "I'm sure you are using two pots of hair gel and three pots of hair wax to get you're hair to stay put but can you stop damaging your hair" messing up his hair I took his glasses and put them on. "You look good with my glasses on" I took them off and put them on Masuyo. "Surely I look good with anything on but our daughter will be the most fashionable person truly astonishing"

We reached our home, holding the door open for me Kisaki took my hand and lead me inside while I held Masuyo in my arms. "Miss Kisaki welcome back again" I laughed as I patted our butler on his back "Another failed attempt Norio, I'll escape next time!" "I wish you the best of luck Miss Kisaki" his monotonous voice was as soothing as always, Kisaki and I headed towards the dining room as our dinner had been prepared.

"I didn't know what you wanted to eat tonight so I told the chefs to make you your favorite dishes" Kisaki sat down as he stared straight into my soul "I hope our daughter doesn't grow up with your horrendous looks, especially your eyebrows" I cut up a piece of my lasagna and popped it in my mouth "My eyebrows are fine!" I shook my head as I chewed my food and swallowed it "You look like a drag queen, a goomba , that one kid from that clock application" Kisaki sighed in defeat as he rubbed his temples, I snapped my fingers making the servants appear "Please feast yourself on the dishes and pack some up for your families," Kisaki looked up at me with a disgusted look on his face "You know I don't like wasting food Kisaki don't be stingy, just because you have money doesn't mean you should waste good food"

Masuyo was brought to her room with the nanny who fed her and bathed her. "Tatta do you have work tomorrow" Kisaki spat out his water as he looked at me "Did you just call me Tatta." I nodded as I combed through my hair with my nails "Kisaki Tetta, my husband, unfortunately, the father of my child, millionaire and crazy bastard" "It seems like all you wanted to do just now was insult me" nodding in agreement I went into our closet to pick out a nightgown, dressing up in my black laced gown I stepped outside of our closet with my hair in a bun. "Insulting you and your eyebrows brings me joy in this treacherous marriage"

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