Robot on Ocean Bottom

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He sat on the couch for an eternity and a half, looking around at all the items his grandmother had collected over the years and humming to random songs he had repeating in his head. His grandmother's house wasn't cluttered or dirty, there was no mess. It all fit, or pretended to. Sitting and looking (and humming) wasn't too much fun, but it was something to do. Something to keep him from the pit. The pit was Boredom. Boredom was his least favorite place in the whole wide infinite-ness of everything.

So he sat.

And he looked.

And hummed.

His ears snatched the reins from his eyes. He'd been trying to eavesdrop this whole time. His eyes wouldn't let him. His 5 senses were always fighting for his attention. Mainly his eyes and his ears. They hated each other the worst. They were a problem.

He couldn't hear what they were saying very well, their voices were being suffocated by the walls. Something felt out of place- nothing from his surroundings, something felt out of place in this whole situation. He felt out of place. Being at his grandmother's house for so long felt out of place. Being away from his siblings and being alone felt out of place. He was never really good at math, but the events of today weren't adding up.

He was, in fact, perplexed.

Then the Gone snatched him up.

    He was back from Gone and sitting in the car, parked. With his mother. The Gone was odd, he didn't know where he went or how it worked. All he knew was nothing when he went there...and then he was somewhere else. Doing something else. It was odd, but not un-normal.

His ears butted in. The silence was louder than normal, aside from his eternal tune. His mother was statue-ing. She currently resided in the Gone. This was not normal for his mother, his stomach gained a pit.


She was back. The car was muggy with tension.

"I'm sorry about all of that, thanks for waiting so well."

"You're quite welcome. It wasn't tooooooo boring."

"That was a lie." She chuckled.

They both took a deep breath. It was easier now.

Silence butted in again. They both wanted to talk, Silence held them off.

Some time passed, probably 3 minutes or so, but it felt like eternity again.

"Mom." He finally broke through.

She sighed, looking unready.

"I know that was weird, I'm sorry, I'm sure you have a lot of questions."

"Just a bit...What happened?"

"...." Silence interrupted her.

"...Was it bad..?"

Her face clenched and she turned away, nodding. Trying to keep herself together.

"Are you okay?" He wanted to hug her.

"..Your father...", Grief strangled her.

He already knew where this was going. He knew what had happened. He had hoped she was gonna tell him some other news. But hoping for things, in his experience, doesn't change anything.

He wanted to hug her.

"...Your father had an... inappropriate relationship with a woman at his work.."

Now it was his turn to be a victim of silence.

"Do you remember that woman...He introduced her to us at the basketball game-"

Robot on Ocean BottomWhere stories live. Discover now