The Amazon Savannah

Start from the beginning

Lincoln: *angry* hey fossil head! Why don't you pick on someone you're own size! And ash has something to say to you for injuring his mother!!

*Ash Roars at the Tyrannosaurus rex*

Lincoln: *to the staff* get Big Eatie to the infirmary stat!

Lisa: *shocked* what about you elder brother unit?!?!

Lincoln: I'll lead Mr Grumpy Rex away from her & her daughter!

*We cut to ash running with Lincoln on his back as the T.Rex follows, they first run near the aviary with a flock of dimorphodon watching

Then they pass the Dodo bird exhibit as the pigeon relatives stare in curiosity at the chase, we pan to the Neanderthals who immediately in a panic go into the artificial cave and hide

Then they pass the Bioluminescent Parasaurolophus paddock soon Ash and Lincoln hang onto the side of a cliff

As Ash glares at the Rex Lincoln looks on with a smirk*

Lincoln: that's it buddy the tranquilizer medicine must be taking effect now

*and the loud boy is right, the Tyrannosaurus starts to feel woozy*

Lincoln: you're one cranky Rex, maybe a little nap might do you good

*The Tyrannosaurus soon collapses from the sedative as he and ash climb back down to the ground as Lincoln gets the Walkie Talkie*

Lincoln: alright! Grumpy here is fast asleep! Get the transport vehicle *to Ash* you did a good job there buddy, you actually listened to me when you didn't fly that was the smart move otherwise you would've ended up like your mama

*ash licks him as we cut to the meeting room as Stella & Sid have worried looks on their faces*

Sid: I can't believe the Rex injured big eatie!

Lincoln: don't worry guys, me and ash distracted the male long enough to avoid  him killing her

Stella: I hope she's gonna be okay

*we cut to Dr Brown and his team as they are during emergency surgery on Big Eatie*

Nurse: should we use the reptile surgery strategy or bird?

Dr Brown: definitely bird, although Tyrannosaurus is a distant cousin to the chicken it's still apart of the dinosaur Clade that has birds

Nurse 2: I thought Tyrannosaurus was a close cousin to chickens?

Dr Brown: that's not correct at all in fact it's the Dromaeosaurs aka the Raptors that are more closely related to birds like chickens

Nurse 3: I've got the equipment we'll need

*Soon Dr Mary arrives*

Dr Mary: how's the patient?

Dr Brown: we're so far so good, she's been stabilized

Dr Mary: that's good to hear

*they do surgery as Lincoln, Stella Sid & Lisa arrives at the large aviary as they see Ash & Sierra nuzzling each other as they see baby prehistoric dragons walking by their parents*

Lisa: I can't believe we've gotten the news they already hatched 

Narrator: the group is witnessing the very first baby Prehistoric dragons born for the first time in 66,000,000 years

Lincoln: when did they hatch?

Staff Member: when you & ash we're leading the Tyrannosaurus rex male away

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