The Amazon Savannah

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Narrator: there is something missing from our world.......amazing animals that time has left behind and mythical creatures that never existed.......but what if we could bring them back?

What if extinction didn't have to be forever?..........we are traveling across the multiverse on a safari with a difference as Lincoln Loud and his friends plunge into different universes to rescue creatures

On the brink of extinction.......their plan to bring them back to the safety of their university and give them a second chance

They're next adventure is to the Amazon 5 million years into earth's future in the Future is wild universe to rescue the possible last monkey species left alive

Alongside an armored rodent and the continents top predator a pack of vicious killer birds.......welcome to the ultimate wildlife sanctuary........welcome to speculative park

Narrator: it's been a few weeks since the last rescue, and so far the Dinosaurs of Mantah Corp island are getting used to their surroundings

*We see Big & Little Eatie sleeping next to each other*

And the Scorpios Rex's have been enjoying each other's company, but now Lincoln alongside Lisa Stella & Sid have decided to focus less on the creatures of the past and more on the creatures

That have yet to exist

Lincoln: okay what is the our next mission

Sid: well so far we're going to the fut-

Staff: Bad news! The Male T.Rex broke out of his enclosure and is fighting Big Eatie!

Stella: oh no!

*They rush to the enclosure, as we cut to Big Eatie as she's struggling to fight the Male Tyrannosaurus Rex*

(Pretend Matilda is the Male Tyrannosaurus & Terrence is Big Eatie)

Narrator: During an Upgrade on the Male Rex's enclosure, the Male T.Rex from the Dragons: a fantasy made real universe ended breaking out of one of the holding pens and into the Eaties enclosure

This Rex being a solitary hunter saw them as intruders and Big Eatie sensing his aggression is defending her daughter

But the male is easily getting the better of her

*The Male Tyrannosaurus bites down on Big Eaties neck almost cracking it until he's shot with a tranquilizer dart*

Narrator: the dart hits the male, but there's a problem for bird-like animals tranquilizers take a lot of time to work

*The Male Tyrannosaurus pushes Big Eatie to the ground and tries to bite her neck but he's shot with yet another tranquilizer dart which turns his attention off of Big Eatie and onto the staff*

Narrator: Some dinosaurs like Tyrannosaurus Rex have been known to be cannibals, for Big Eatie, the two tranq darts may have come too late

*Big Eatie is on the ground in Critical condition Little Eatie goes over to her fatally injured mother and nuzzles her as the Male T.Rex turns and just as he's about to attack Little Eatie, Lincoln on Ash pounces on the T.Rex*

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