13: Mori Saves The Day

Start from the beginning

Half dressed meaning the man was shirtless, obviously midway through changing. 

"I asked you a questions what the hell are you doing in here-". Mori rushed towards the man, pushing him into the wall and covering his mouth with his hand. 

The silence was electric and tense as Mori waited for the sound of voices to well and truly pass them. The manager's heart was hammering against the random pro hero's chest. 

When he relaxed at the silence, the pro hero shoved him off and glared at him. "I asked you a question. What the hell are you doing here?". 

"Just here to deliver something." Mori said vaguely. "Thanks for that, by the way.". With that, he made his way to the door. 

The pro hero grabbed his hand and pulled him back, but to his surprise Mori easily shook him off. 

"I'm going to have to escort you off the premises if you're not allowed to be here." The hero said sternly. 

Mori 'tched' under his breath. "Look, I'm here to bring something to my dependent, a U.A student.". He tried desperately to think of what he had in his bag with him that he could claim was the item to avoid Taiya being penalized. They couldn't verify the ring's purpose on the spot, so it might be considered a support item. Then Taiya would be seen as a cheater and maybe get expelled. 

Yes, Mori had overthought this, but he couldn't help it. 

"Contact lense solution." He thought aloud, startling himself a little. "I'm just here to give the kid some contact lense solution. Tachibana Yuka, class 1-A. In and out, quick trip, I promise.". 

The man eyed him suspiciously, but Mori produced the contact lense solution on the spot, casting aside all doubts. He had it on the off chance that Taiya had actually used the case he had on him to save the contacts instead of just throwing them out. 

"Tachibana should have told his teacher about this so we were informed of your visit." He replied finally. Mori fought back another sigh of physical relief that the story worked. 

"Sorry, I'm new to the whole taking care of a teenager thing. Don't really know what the proper channels are." He smiled sheepishly. "But thanks, I'll go give this to him and get out of your hair!". He waved the teacher off. 

The hero grabbed his hand again, pulling him back as he tried to walk away. 

"If this is going to become a habit, I'm not a fan." Mori replied, slightly annoyed. The teacher had the decency to look a little embarrassed, but just cleared his throat and collected himself. 

"I'll have to accompany you.". 

"You could'a just said that." Mori huffed, "Come on, we're running out of time.". This time it was him dragging the bewildered looking teacher along. "What's your name anyways? I don't remember the kid ever telling me about you.". 

"Vlad King." The hero grunted out, "I teach 1-B.". Mori nodded and finally dropped their hands. 

"Nice to meet ya then, Dracula.". 

---------- ------------ ----------- ------------ ------------ ----------- ------------ 

Taiya stared at his phone and sighed for what must have been the hundredth time that day. 

He had gotten so bored waiting for Mori he had started going on social media (always a bad idea, according to his friends and family). He enjoyed picking the most random fan tweets or messages to reply to. 

Like one that said, 'if Taiya wore these I would literally kill myself rn' and a picture of some new designer heels. So he had replied with a picture of him wearing heels that looked surprisingly similar that he hadn't posted before. 

'Attending the funeral in these' He had wrote as the caption. 

Laughing to himself he wondered what the internet's reaction would be like. His fans would think it was hilarious and would love having a photo of him in heels, but some media outlet would probably write and article with the title 'Enomoto Taiya Tells Fan To Commit Suicide'. Honestly he'd be screen shotting both to laugh at later, so it didn't much matter. 

Taiya brushed his hair out of his face and checked the mirror. The grey was poking through his roots now. God his hair was going to be so crunchy. 

He was about to make a note of that so he didn't just forget when the door to the bathroom opened. He had only briefly left the safety of the stall he had been hiding in for a minute or two so he could make sure the picture he was posting had actually good lighting. Fuck why was his life like this. 

"Look at this!" Ashido said excitedly, holding the phone up so Kirishima, who was standing next to her in the doorway could see. 

Then she glanced up at Taiya. "Oh hey Tachiba-" She stopped and looked down at the phone. Ashido and Kirishima seemed to be in an endless cycle of looking at the phone and then at Taiya and then at the phone and then at-you know what you get the picture. 

"Huh?" Ashido's voice shook a little with realization. 


Without another thought, Taiya rushed over, grabbed both of their arms and closed the door behind him. 

"YOUR'RE-". Taiya covered Kirishima's mouth with his hand and shushed him. 

"You can't say anything, okay?" He looked between the two of them. Slowly his hand drifted away from Kirishima's mouth, resting on his cheek instead. 

And of course at that exact fucking moment the door opened again and Mori entered the bathroom, just in time to see Taiya with two people pushed against the wall. 

"Taiya..." Mori practically growled, his voice low and threatening. "What's going on here?". 


So the first two people to discover Taiya's identity are Mina and Kirishima. Honestly I figured they'd both be fans of him from the start, so they were originally supposed to find out through small way, like habits only fans would notice, but this was way more funny. 

Yes, most of my stories are driven by 'ooh that would be heartbreaking' or 'oh yeah that's hilarious'. 

I'm an impulsive person in that way I guess 😅

So here's a quick question: 

Who do you think Taiya's going to fight in the sports festival? 

I'm curious as to who you think he'd match up well against. Especially after training at U.A for a little bit. 

Stay Tuned! 

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