Timing tests

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It had been two months ever since kaeya's been in school. They have a daily routine honestly, Childe picks kaeya up from his house, they go to the library and study until the bell rings. While at it they've been enjoying each others company, they have little quizzes and test after studying to see who was better. It was always a tie between them, although kaeya had outsmarted childe once and won. Childe feels unpleasant thinking about it.

It was time for exams, and even though childe can easily finish them, he still dreads test. It was so boring and was always the same. He always complained but he never said his complaints out loud. "Exams and test are so boring and plain. I need something long and hard!" Kaeya looked at childe weirdly and snickered. "Why are you laughing? Did I say something funny to you?" "Long and hard...suspicious." "NO THATS NOT WHAT I MEANT YOU PERV!" "Congrats on coming out?" "Please shut up."

The bell rang. "Goodluck Alberich, I'm gonna be timing you." "You think I wont either? It's on childe." They both smirked and headed to the classroom. They both sat down, and waited patiently for their teacher to come in. All their classmates looked extremely nervous, one was on the verge of tears and a few other were sweating and shaking. They both chuckled about it as their teacher walks in.

"Alright class, This will be your science exam as you know. Goodluck everyone, you may cry but please don't get it on the exam sheets." The class stays silent as kaeya and childe try to hold in their laughter. One of their classmates, Thoma, asks if they could use the bathroom. "Go ahead, don't go for too long though." Thoma gets up from his seat to walk to the bathroom, but as he passes by kaeya's desk he leaves a note on kaeya's desk before going.

Kaeya checks the note, it reads "Hey, I'm thoma. I know I haven't talked to you for the past two months you've been here but you seem like a cool guy. Wanna hang out some time?" Kaeya smiles and shows the note to childe. He reads the note and he, feels envious? He feels slightly angry. He can't be envious, he should be happy for him. He doesn't even have feelings for kaeya, or does he? Kaeya keeps smiling as he reads the note over and over like an idiot.

It's only been two months since he's known him, he really can't like him already. Thoma walks back in and smiles at kaeya as he heads to his seat. Childe glares at thoma, if he could kill him he very much would. The teacher checks his watch and takes the test sheets and hands it over to all the students. "You may now start, you have an hour to finish." Kaeya quickly puts the note away and starts quickly. Childe was caught off guard and starts right away.

They were fast and quick, some classmates stares at them questioning how this is even possible, and some almost cried. A few minutes pass by until, kaeya then tapped his desk, "Is he implying he's done?! Shit! Already?!" Childe has one question left, he answers it as quick as possible, not even caring about his bad hand writing. As kaeya sits up childe does also. They both walk back to their seats after passing it to their teacher.

"My husband's calling, I have to take it. I'll be back everyone." Their teacher picks up the phone as he walks out of the classroom. The class sighs and a classmate starts to cry as she runs to the bathroom. "Was it really that hard?" Childe asks. "I don't care about that, what I care about is me finishing it faster than you!" "Oh please, it was just by a second." "Actually I finished it about point fifty seconds faster than you, Accept it childe."



"Call me Ajax."

"Okay then, Ajax. What's up with the sudden name change?"

"It's my first name, no one ever calls me by my first name since they didn't know. But now you do, be glad you're special."

Kaeya smiles warmly. "I'm glad you told me, I love your first name. Why me though?" Childe sighs. "I told you, you're special." "I'm happy you trust me, not even my own brother does." Childe blushes lightly and looks away. Their teacher walks in and checks the time. "You all still have forty eight minutes left everyone, don't sweat it." Kaeya takes out that cursed note again and reads it again.

He takes out his pen and writes something on it. He'll wait till class ends to respond.

The forty eight minutes pass by as the other students finish, the teacher collects their exam sheets. "Alright students, your results will come tomorrow it will be on the board next to our class. You have fifteen minutes until your next teacher gets here. I will be leaving now, don't make such a fuss." The teacher leaves and the students start talking about how stupidly difficult the test was.

Kaeya walks on over to Thoma's desk, leaving the note on his desk and then runs back to his own. Thoma opens the note to see kaeya's reply, it reads "Sure, you seem like a nice guy. Can I bring another friend along?" Thoma smiles and keeps the note in his bag.

Childe looks behind him to see thoma, he knows he's made a sworn enemy.

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