"You're actually not that bad."

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Childe was woken up by a maid, telling him he should get ready as she's already prepared his uniform. He groans, it was too early. School starts at eight but he's here awake at six, he hesitantly walks over to the bathroom to take a shower. He enters the bathroom as he starts taking off his clothes, locking the door shut. He throws his clothes in the laundry shoot and enters the shower. He turns it on as he's suddenly splashed with cold water.

"WHAT THE HELL--" He was startled by the cold water and almost slips, he regains his balance and turns the shower off. He turns it on making sure the water has hot this time. He sighed as the warm water touched his skin as the glass starts to fog.

He walks out the shower as he grabs a towel and wraps it around his waist, grabbing another towel to dry his hair. After he's done drying his hair he walks over to his sink to brush his teeth. He gets his toothbrush and places toothpaste on it, he wets it and puts it in his mouth as he starts to brush. 2 minutes pass by as he spits it out and washes his mouth.

He quickly puts on his clothes to finally eat. Childe yawns as he walks into the kitchen, he sits down on the chair as he places his hands on the table. The chef walks in and gives him his meal, it was nothing really. It was just a medium rare steak, that was really it. He starts to eat as a maid turns on the television for childe. The news is talking about some guy getting famous over some stupid world record.

Childe sighs in disappointment, why can't there be something interesting on the news for once. After Childe's done eating, he drinks water, gets his bag and goes outside. "Good morning young master." The driver greets him as he opens the car door for him. He mumbles a "morning" to the driver and gets in. The driver gets into his seat and start heading to school. Childe just stares out the window blankly while playing with his necklace, until he spots a certain bluenette getting out of his house waving to a red head.

"Stop the car." Orders childe. The driver obliges as he stops the car in front of kaeya house as childe rolls down the window. "Alberich?" Childe says. "Childe? The hell are you doing here? Are you following me??" Kaeya asks. "What?! No of course not! I just saw you walking out your house and decided to stop by." "Sure..." Kaeya replies, a bit suspicious. "Want a ride?" "Oh yes please, I am tired riding that bike everyday to get to where I want. As soon as I get my driving's license I'm gonna be using my dad's car." Childe chuckles as he opens the door for kaeya to get in. "Didn't know you had such a nice house Alberich." "My dad worked his ass off for this house, including my brother."

"I see they both succeeded." "No need to point out the obvious, smartass." Childe lightly punched kaeya's arm as he laughs. "We're here, young master." Kaeya opens the door and gets out of the car, childe following along. There weren't many people there as they entered, a few teachers and some students roam the halls. "Wanna study in the library while waiting?" "Sure, just don't shove me against a shelf again." "I can't promise anything." Kaeya hits childe's arm while heading to the library. Childe chuckles and follows him.

"Wait...where's the library again?" "You really forgot already? I already dragged you there yesterday." "..." "Alberich? Hello??" "Oh! Sorry..." "What was that about?" "Uhm, it's nothing. Let's just move on."

Kaeya walks into the library slowly, like he was struggling. "Alberich? What's happening to you?" "I-Ignore it...please." Kaeya sits down on one of the beanbags near the table. He looks...tired, exhausted even. "Go get us a book of a topic you don't understand...I'll try to help you..." Kaeya said as he lays his head on the table. "Uhm, okay." Childe walks to one of the bookshelves and takes out a book he regularly reads because he tries his best to understand.

Childe walks back to kaeya's table and places down the book. "No matter how many times I read it and think I get it, everything I read gets thrown out the window when I try to test myself." Childe sighs, but kaeya's face lights up. "I love this topic! It's so easy and fun to do! Come on, sit down beside me." "He's acting like he wasn't struggling to even stand up a few minutes ago, strange." Childe thought, but he brushed it aside and sat beside kaeya.

Kaeya opens the book. "Which parts do you not understand?" "Page two hundred and thirty seven. It's so difficult honestly!" "Let me see...oh! I know this part! So basically you just have to..." And kaeya goes on, he talks about it with so much light and passion in his eyes. It was honestly cute. Childe pays very close attention, he's somehow getting it. He's understanding every word he says. It was nice to have someone as smart as him teach him about something he doesn't understand. He was enjoying this very moment, he never wanted it to end.

The bell rings. "Already? It's only been like, 20 minutes or so?" "We've been here for two hours and 48 minutes, childe." "Woah! How do you know something as specific as that?" "I have my ways." Kaeya chuckles as childe puts on a light smile. "You know Alberich, You're actually not that bad."

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