Chapter one

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Harry was sitting in the dungeons thinking about his life choices and how his life could have been better if he had listened to the hat in his first year. The ministry had found a spell on the sorting hat that had been made to influence certain student's sorting and so the ministry was making sure those students were sorted into their true houses and the spell wasn't replaced. Dumbledore had been ferrous when Harry Potter had to be resorted and he was placed in Slytherin, much to the shock of everyone. "Mr. Potter, come with me." Snape led the young man to his office and locked the door behind them. "Why are you wearing glamours?" Harry was shocked by the tone; his teacher had never cared before. "I don't know what you mean sir." Harry tried to lie; he was good at lying always had been. "I can sense heavy glamours on you. Now I will ask again, and you better tell the tell the truth. Why are you wearing a glamour?" Harry moved back, had his magic been too strong? It looked the same as he normally did, the glamours were working on hiding everything. "Mr. Potter, do I need to remove the glamours myself or will you show me?" Snape seemed mad and Harry just sighed and raised his wand to remove his glamour. What Snape saw horrified him. Harry was covered in scars, bruises, cuts, and he was extremely malnourished and had old burn marks on him. "Harry, who did this to you?" Snape pulled the boy closer and hugged him, the child of his best friend and wished he had known what was happening to the boy. "My Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon, they punished me when I didn't a chore correctly or when I burned the food, or when I accidently made things happen." Harry was burring his face in the older man's cloak and breathing in the calming scent of the potions, cinnamon, and pine, also he smelled faintly of spicy cologne, and some expensive perfume. "The old man said you lived in luxury, I can tell that he was wrong. I will take you to someone who can help, but only if you let me." Snape felt the boy nod and then led him to his own room. "You will sleep here Harry, so I can monitor you while I give you some potions for your wounds. I will talk to Pomphrey in the morning about getting you properly checked out." When he said the name of the medi-witch Harry moved away and whimpered in fear. "Harry, what's wrong?" "She will tell Dumbledore and I will get in more trouble, more punishment." Harry started to cry, and Snape looked into the boy's memories and saw Pomphrey telling Dumbledore that the boy was weak and needed to be taught how to be stronger and that he needed to be taught to not lie to her about what was normal. Snape saw red, how dare that woman whose job was to heal and protect the students do something so awful. "Sleep Harry, in the morning I will take you to a proper healer who we will see before I take you to see the other person who can help you." Snape tucked Harry in before laying down beside the boy and being cuddled by the far too skinny boy. "Goodnight Harry." Snape lightly kissed the boy's forehead before he changed Harry's clothes to one his old shirts and changed his own clothes to an old t-shirt and some sweatpants. Harry felt safe for the first time since the chamber of secrets. 


 Harry made his way to the chamber, without Ron or Professor Lockheart, wishing he could go back in time and accept Draco's offer and had listened to the hat and gone to Slytherin. Lying on the floor he saw Ginny Weasley, she wasn't breathing all that well and he hated the sight of her. "Ginny, you need to wake up." Harry said nudging the girl's shoulder with his shoe. "She won't wake." A man said, he looked the man from the diary, devastatingly handsome Tom Riddle. "There is a basilisk we need to leave." Harry put some urgency in his voice only he was slightly distracted by Tom getting closer. "The basilisk only comes when called." Tom pulled Harry closer and breathed in the scent of the boy. "What is your name, love?" Harry blushed and moved closer to the handsome Slytherin man. "Harry, Harry Potter." He was stuttering and trying to rid himself of the offending blush. "I am Tom Riddle; it is a pleasure to meet you, Harry Potter." Tom lifted Harry's hand and kissed it lightly making the teen blush even more and he giggled moving closer to Tom and not knowing why. Suddenly he felt bad, like he wasn't himself and Tom noticed it too. "Harry, I feel a magic that isn't ours, let it take its course and know that if I say something mean or try to hurt you, I don't want to." Tom said before lightly kissing the 12-year-old Gryffindor and letting the magic take over. Both of them were too weak in their magic to fight it. Harry couldn't fight it because he was too young, and Tom was only just getting strength in the body before it was sucked away. Harry just wished he had more time with nice Tom. He had dreams of the man often and even after the resurrection of Voldemort he had one of the dreams. Harry was in a dark room, sitting on a man's lap as the man sat on a throne in a room full of followers calling the two men the Lords Slytherin. 

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