The letters from no one

Start from the beginning

After the girl gave up trying to sleep she changed her clothes in the bathroom and returned wearing a three size bigger black T-shirt and royal blue sweatpants. The T-shirt had a simple text, "king's to you" and a chess piece.

By the time Harry was allowed out of his cupboard again, the summer holidays had started and Dudley had already broken his new cine-camera, crashed his remote control aeroplane and, first time on his racing bike, knocked down old Mrs Figg as she crossed Privet Drive on her crutches.

"Were you alright, Mrs Figg?" Asked Hermione worried about the woman.

"I was fine, Hermione." Assured the woman feeling flattered that someone cared if she was alright or not.

Harry was glad school was over, but there was no escaping Dudley's gang, who visited the house every single day. Piers, Dennis, Malcolm and Gordon were all big and stupid, but as Dudley was the biggest and stupidest of the lot, he was the leader. The rest of them were all quite happy to join in Dudley's favourite sport: Harry-hunting. Even if it was cancelled because of the new way the house worked.

Harry and Violet were free to do what they wanted and help with chores when they saw fit otherwise their uncle will suffer greatly. Their aunt seemed to be just as bitter as them but they also saw a small glimpse of hope and calm when they told Vernon to keep it together for his sake. Violet was starting to think that maybe their aunt was just as scarred and traumatised as them but she was scared to fight back so she will fight for all three of them. She will get them out of there as soon as she got her letter and figure out how to access the money left by their parents.

"That is so much pressure on to put on a ten year old." Complained Lucius and Ruben agreed. 

"Says the one who threatened me to get into Slytherin or else I couldn't come home anymore." Mumbled Draco and Narcissa couldn't help but hear what her son said.

Her face went from pale to red quicker than you could say 'Ahoy.'. "Lucius Malfoy! What the hell did you do to my son, you brainless bastard?" Yelled the woman and the younger years were confused on why they had gasps between the yelling.

Snuffles barked excitedly and wigged his tail.  Narcissa chuckled at the dog before turning back at her husband. "I am expecting an answer unless you want me to get it out of you."

"It wasn't like that. I was just trying to motivate him." Tried Lucius to get out of the mess.

"How exactly is threatening, similar with motivating?" Inquired Narcissa with a calm tone making the man start sweating.

He willed some sweat off his forehead although formed again soon after. "Ask your mother." He answered before he could stop himself.

"Pondas." Said the woman and the man was before her on his knees feeling like his blood was on fire. "I put up with a lot of shit from you over the years because I loved you but I draw a line when it comes to my son. My mother was a bitch but my son is an innocent boy." She said and made everyone shudder at the display of power the woman just put on. "Next time you are anything but supportive, you will be sleeping on the couch for the next fifty years." The man tried to protest but was shushed by her. "I don't care if the whole house is full of bedrooms, you are sleeping on that damn couch I told you not to buy cause it gives back pain."

Mrs Zabini started clapping and cheering as if she was at a play that just finished. "See ladies? This is how you make your man respect you. My baby Violet knows what I am talking about."

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