III. The Hall boy

Start from the beginning

A dude with ah heavy British accent stood up from his squat. He was wearing a dirty black , and he had a white nose

-Ya punks think you can ge' away with that?
-Yo, yo, yo.. we don't want any trouble..
-Well you girls sounded like ya deed. Who in the hell are ya to tolk to mie, and me brothas like tha'?
-Jacob listen, he said he doesn't want trouble, plus I am fully capable of telling on you. Like a 5th grader. No shame. Also you were supposed to wear a collared shirt but you seem to have decency to come to school in.. this- Raymond clued at the outfit with his hand.
-Ya chryna lekcha me smartay pants?
-Apapapap, don't touch me!.. AH lord have MERCY, you smell god awful too, you kiss your mother with all that stink? I doubt a mint would help in any way! If you want to be a functioning member of society you should dress appropriately How about you grab backup clothes from your locker?
-Why you li'le-
Ray dodged Jacob trying to get a hold of his shoulders. Ray grinned with happiness.


School security rushed to the spot. Andrew was standing with his jaw open. Ray looked at him and said:

- Collect your jaw, or the fly will fly in, I don't recommend speaking so loudly my friend. If people overhear you, woo, we are having a ride worse than that. if you disobey the rules, you are suspended for a month, without any source of information, and believe me, this guys' parents are really strict. Shall we get going? Say, do you wish to meet the whole student council and not just me alone? I have colleagues you know?
-Oh I'd certainly love that..
-Hmm.....ok good, good. I have also noticed your older sibling transferred here. His name's Michael, right?
-Yes, it is. How do you know?
-Oh I have all the paperwork I need by my side, and I just love the gossip and tea, so why not be the one who spreads it all like butter on bread?
-So it's a hobby of yours at this point.
-Correct. We are close so I must tell you that there are more girls here, because of the certain biological reasons that allow more information to fit into a woman's brain. Actually, it's very hard to divide a woman's brain in two halves due to the strong connection of neurons between the two, while males' brains can be easily divided by bare hands. I always loved anatomy, don't ask me why I know that.
-Well, I think it's great that you are interested in something. I enjoy it when people talk about them, even though I am more of a biology guy, anatomy is great too. Unfortunately it's too complex for me.
-Oh no, I could tutor you if you want. Well not for free of course, time is money, and besides, it's pretty cheap with me, cheapest even. $20 a month to be exact.
-Well it does seem reasonable ..I'll consider it.
-Well, I am right here if there's something you need.
-So is this like a friendship now? Sorry I am bad at social things, I have never had a friend before, and sorry if I am acting weird right now, it's just that I make everything awkward.
-No, it's fine! I think we can call this companionship, but not a friendship yet, it's the 1st day after all, you don't get all the good things at once, do you?
-Oh, ok..-So uh... we are here! I'll tell you what, these guys haven't seen a newbie in a while so act natural, they are just gonna be a li-i-i-ittle exited.
-Ok chef, noted-Andrew finger guns
-*knock knock* Hey kids! Open up!
The blurry glass slid to the side and a pair of dark green eyes appeared.
-Who's that with you?- they answered in a bold voice. The emerald eyes started observing Andrew. They opened wide. The low voice switched to squealing.

-Oh wait, is that the new boy?
-Indeed! May we get in?
-ok wait let me just-locks clicked, a curly-haired redhead opened it - okie dokie, all open.- I am Agatha Smith, you can call me Aggie it's just, a silly nickname people call me, we are all nerds here so make sure to bring a bunch of brains so it flows out your ears! Hehe, anyway I am really super duper exited to meet you and let's be honest, I am the smartest when it comes to tech so if your phone is Kaput, you can TOOOTALLY hit me up!
-O-oh.. I mean OK SURE! I am kind of nervous sorry, I am not used to these kinds of welcomes..
-Come on don't be shy about it, we are all like siblings here! So you see all of the members, we were talking about raising funds for the crippled kids that still deserve education in public schools, don't they?
-Oh yeah I agree with that statement, no matter who you must be everyone deserves to know things they are interested in.
-I'd put in money too but my father doesn't think there's a need to help people.. He is just being a stingy asshole- giving away $100 won't hurt your pocket. By the way, name's Hugo, nice to meet you Andrew!
-Hello! And you are in charge of...?
-Baking and cooking club leader. We also edit the menu and come up with new recipes. Basically chemistry but it's tasty and as healthy as possible. We heard you also had an older brother, he's a senior right?
-Uh, yeah, so everybody here knows everything about me?
-Well, not quite everything, but I am Heather, am the head of the news department "inky feather" and we will try our best to find out best hot gossip about you!
-Heath, cut it off, you are scaring him.
-Oh come on Martha, he knows I am joking, Don't you Hutton? What school did you transfer from?
-I used to go to the Gymnasium LIÈS, outside of town, in the Villa. It's basically a discipline thing but when I became 16 my parents started thinking I could handle this school.
-OO, that is impressive, though usually they are sort of behind the program if we compare the textbooks they use to ours-

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