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rue: hi manny

m: hi how'd u know my name

rue: a friend told me lolol

m: u were tellin ur friends bout me?


m: i've been followed u
m: it took me offering to eya for u to fmb?

rue: i get tons of followers i thought u was jus one of them fake emo catfishes

m: did i prove myself as different?

rue: u didddd 🤭

m: for a sec i thought u n that jay dude had sum?

rue: nahhh he straight.
rue: why would that matter to u tho?

m: i'm jus a nosy fan lol don't mind me.

rue: how can i NOT mind u when u talkin bout eating my ass..

m: seems like u want it to be more than a joke?
m: wyd rn

rue: ddtm chile, i'm playing gta 5

m: mmm

rue: ?

m: we should play tg soon
m: i'm free tmrw wbu

rue: like link orrr ??

m: watchu wanna do? im down for anything

rue: UHMMM
rue: i can't link tmrw im hanging w my friend all day yk sleepover
rue: butttt we can call and play

m: im cool w that
m: wanna see a baby pic of me?

rue: yea

mmmm! 😋😋😋Where stories live. Discover now