Chapter 8

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She steps out onto the platform warily, glancing at the row of fighter jets along the flight line. She sighs, gripping the handrail, as the wind tunnels into the hangar, twisting her hair in its haste. It's been many years since Amelia has heard the roar of military aircraft engines, since she's seen the dance of refracted light in the exhaust of afterburners. And, as hard as she's tried to put this life behind her, she can't deny that the location brings about feelings that aren't all that unpleasant. The smell of burnt kerosene in the air is nostalgic; the display of silver specks glinting in the canopy of blue above the Pacific Ocean, drifting in and out of the clouds, is a sight to behold.

She's not sure why she's come. To reminisce? To say goodbye? To see him one more time? Whatever the reason, she regrets her decision wholeheartedly. The flood of emotions nearly paralyzes her – more so even than when she'd seen him the previous day.

Yesterday, she had not been prepared. Today, the mere anticipation of seeing Maverick enervates her.

She glances down at her phone, checking to see if he's messaged her since the last time she looked not ten minutes ago. There are no new messages since the night before.

Amelia looks over at the group of aviators gathered around the radio at the center of the hangar, listening to their fellow pilots over the comm. She takes a few steps in their direction and, recognizing Maverick's voice among the transmissions, feels slightly better about him not writing to her that morning. She supposes that he shouldn't be texting and flying.

Her daughter is sitting farther back at a desk, her face buried in a textbook. She is astoundingly unaware of her surroundings. Specifically, of the two men glancing over at her from time to time. Amelia smiles inwardly, admiring her daughter's ability to immerse herself in her work so completely that she is oblivious to everything else.

As she nears the cluster of officers gathered around the radio, she does a double take upon taking in the appearance of one of Sydney's admirers. Her heart does a somersault and she brings a hand over her chest in shock. The young man gazing at Sydney looks just like Goose.

Amelia stops in her tracks, staring at him. He glances up at her with raised eyebrows, apparently puzzled that she's taken an interest in him.

"Hello," he says. "Are you looking for someone?"

She swallows uncomfortably, blinking at him in wonder. Her hand travels up to her mouth as she lets out a small gasp and her eyes well up with tears.

"Ma'am, are you okay?" he asks, separating from the group to approach her. "You look like you've seen a ghost."

Sydney looks up as he steps around her desk to get to Amelia.

"Mom?" she says in confusion.

The man glances between Sydney and Amelia in surprise. In the background, Amelia hears Maverick's cheerful voice over the intercom, "Guns, guns, guns."

"Goddamn it!" Another voice peaks on the radio.

"What are you doing here?" Sydney asks as the rest of the pilots look over to observe their interaction.

Amelia tries not to stare at the man who resembles Goose, but her eyes keep reverting to his face. "Your father asked me to come," she says, finally looking away.

Sydney narrows her eyes. "So?"

Amelia lets out a sigh. "Well, you've decided to stay so I need to discuss your living arrangements with him," she says.

"I'm an adult, mom," Sydney replies. "You don't need to arrange anything for me."

The man standing before Amelia sticks his hands into his pockets. "You're lucky, Sydney," he says. "Having people looking out for you. Even if one of them is Maverick."

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