Chapter 1: The Blossoming of Love

Start from the beginning

But he couldn't quite blame her. After all, they were still strangers and didn't even know each other yet. As Prince of Greenwood the Great, he would have to get to know his people, so Thranduil knew the first step would be with her.

"You can be honest with me." He said softly, a small smile on his face. "What is on your mind?"

She knew she was talking to their prince and had already introduced herself in the rudest way possible. So if she was to tell him the matters on her heart, would it make things worse?

She gulped, taking her chances. "It is nothing personal towards you, my prince, but I don't wish to be a servant." He raised an eyebrow at this. "This...arrangement my parents have put upon me...I don't feel it is right."

"I understand." He replied, nodding his head. "But how would you feel if I told you I don't see you as a servant, but as a friend?"

Surprise passed over her face, seeing a form of silent understanding pass between them as she smiled. "I wouldn't mind that. I've never been friends with a prince before."

"Then I think we should follow the trees and your advice by taking the first step and enduring in growing this friendship."

And with that, they both decided to start over in getting to know each other.

"Hello, I'm Prince Thranduil."

She bowed with a warm smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you, your highness. I am Ethiriel of the Greenwood. I will be your friend and guide."


The Feast of Starlight was a tradition celebrated among the Silvan elves and now something shared with their new Sindarian rulers. Tables of food and drink were set up outside the forest, music was playing all around as elves joined in to dance, and cheer was everywhere as it invited the animals and trees to sing along.

King Oropher sat at the high table with Elbereth and Callon among him. The parents were watching their children conversing with each other in the crowd, dancing along to the music as Ethiriel explained the festival to the prince.

"They seem to be getting along splendidly lately, don't they?" Oropher asked, watching his son carefully.

Callon nodded, witnessing the smile on his daughter's face. "At first, Ethiriel had us worried, but I don't know what happened to make her change her mind. It is good, nonetheless."

"I haven't seen Thranduil this happy in a long time." The Elvenking muttered, remembering back to their lives before Thranduil's mother passed away and before the destruction of Beleriand. He had started to see his son's smile fading along with the few Sindar elves that followed him, but now since merging with the Silvan elves, things seemed to be looking up.

Knowing of their kings and prince's past, Ethiriel's parents consoled him. "It must have not been easy going through what you did, but be assured my King, we are grateful for your leadership, guidance and friendship."

Oropher nodded in agreement. "As are we."

Among the crowd, Elirieth was finishing explaining the festival to the Prince. "And the point of Mereth Nuin Giliath is to honor the stars Eru created and of which we were born under, hence, at the end of all the nights celebrations, some of us will lay under the stars and soak up all the light they can offer."

Thranduil's blue eyes sparkled with awe. "I see now why my father was so interested in us returning back to the old ways."

"Would you like to see how I celebrate it?"

A Love Among the Greenleaves [Tolkien] || Thranduil x His Wife (OC)- PART 1Where stories live. Discover now