Chapter 90: After

Start from the beginning

"Tch. Show off." Bakugo muttered, before turning in the opposite direction. "Oi, racoon eyes, make a shelter with your wings."

"It's Mina! Stupid prince..." You heard Mina huff and grumble in her mental voice even though Bakugo couldn't hear it. She did as he asked anyway and brought her wings down by her sides as she sat on her hindlegs and created a barrier against the worst of the cold.

Bakugo crawled underneath next to Kirishima and then asked Ochako to hand him the bag. The mage did so as she and you also joined the boys under Mina's wings. Bakugo rummaged through the supplies that were left and pulled out Izuku's notebook, tossing it in the snow before continuing to pick through the contents in search of kindling for a fire.

You smiled and picked up the book, flicking through the pages of all his old notes. You couldn't believe how much Izuku had changed since he last wrote in this. Only a few short weeks ago, your best friend had been a jumpy little scaredy cat, always stuttering and flinching at any movement in the forest. Now he was a god, brimming with power and confidence.

Bakugo eventually found Izuku's tinder box and extracted the kindling, he went off to gather anything he could find that would burn and returned a bit later with a handful of scraps from the wrecked temple. One quick blast of his palms with the kindling between them and moments later there was a fire. He barked out a smug "hah" and sat down next to you.

You smiled at him and thought about what you'd been through together. You supposed you'd changed too. Not that you thought the change in yourself was as profound as Izuku's, but you had matured in your own way. You weren't talking about the new skills you'd picked up. Sure, this mana vision was new, but it's not like you couldn't fight without it before your journey started. You meant more as a person.

Back home you didn't have any friends, except your father and Izuku, and you suppose you should include Inko in that assessment too. But aside from Midoriya there was nobody else your own age that you'd ever felt this close to, and you hadn't made any effort to change that. You never felt the need to. You were strong and independent on your own; you hadn't had to rely on others before. You were the one people relied on, especially Izuku, and you'd gotten used to that.

But now things were different; you had lots of new friends, and each of them was special to you in their own way. If it weren't for all of them, you'd never have been able to defeat the dark god and save the kingdom. Especially Katsuki who had saved you on more than one occasion already. You were grateful for each of them and couldn't imagine how you were ever happy before you met them all. You wanted to tell them this, but now didn't seem like the right time. Kirishima was still in critical condition and Izuku wasn't here. Later, you thought, once the war was really over, you'd make sure you told them how you felt.

The war... Shoto and the kings army were still fighting on the front lines, along with all your other new friends. Your mind drifted back to the mainland where they were fighting for their lives against the warlock's main army. You hoped everyone was alright.


Izuku was flying through the air so fast he had to keep blinking tears out of his eyes as the rushing air made them water, he wondered if that's why the old god had such hooded eyes. Not that he was flying half as fast as All Might use to; he had to keep stopping every so often and push back off from the ground whenever he lost momentum. His arms were sore from the use of his other magical powers, so he was relying on his legs to propel him back to the mainland. Luckily, the sea between Hondo and Fuyu Island wasn't as wide as the sea to the south. In fact, he could see the opposite shore before he left the frozen banks of the northern Island and was able to make it across the water in one leap.

It only took him about three hours to reach the edge of the battlefield north of Hosu, and when he did, he was glad to see the war was over. The enemy giants were being restraining by those on the king's side, and the captured ogres were being disarmed and marched back south to the mountains of the Beast's Forest. Most of the knights that were able to, were clearing the rest of the battlefield of corpses, of which there were far too many.

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