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It's now a quarter past one, and Lvèris sitting down in the local cafe waiting for Phoebe to come.

[Waiter] Hello sir, would you like anything?
[Lvèri] Oh, I'll just have two Caffè Americano's thank you.

Ten dreary minutes has passed while the coffee slowly turns cold, and Lveri is still standing by for Phoebes arrival. He shrugs it off and thinks she probably had something sudden come up and, stood up about to head out of the cafe, when Phoebe barges into the door like she just ran a marathon.

[Phoebe] Oh Lveri, I'm so sorry, I passed out asleep and I didn't realise the time.
[Lveri] no it's alright come sit.

After a while of chatting and laughing the two had to head off, while Phoebe was walking to her car a sudden ring came from his phone.

[Lveri] "Hello?"
[Amir] "Where are you? I've already set up everything."
[Lveri] "I'll be right over"

Lveri bolts home, getting ready for the commemoration of the person who he once loved and cared for. He throws on his notch tuxedo and pairs it with his Rolex. His now in his car heading off to the funeral hall.

*2 hours*

He's arrived and once he opened the door he sees his brother Amir, and a few other people.

[Amir] Lveri, you finally made it, the funeral ceremony is starting in 20 minutes and more people will arrive.

[Lveri] *why do those people look so familiar?" He mumbles under his breathe

[Amir] huh who? Mr and Mrs Aikawa. I mean they look quite like their daughter maybe you've seen her?

[Lveri] nope never seen them before.

[Amir] well let's get going.

The two boys start heading to the hall, where the ceremony is being held ready to give their speech. There was many familiar and unfamiliar faces in the crowd but one of them caught Lveris eye...he just ignored it and continued on with the speech.

[Lveri & Amir] I am really obliged, and really appreciate every one of you for taking your time to come, I wish you all a good day and may my mother Rest In Peace. Thank you.

in a line, the two brothers grab a incense while wishing something in their head and passing it down, and lay flowers next to their mothers grave, with a display of her.

After the ceremony had ended everyone went down to the second hall where, the foods were handed the two brothers sat down in the middle table having a chat. When all of a sudden Mr and Mrs Aikawa come to sit next to them.

[Mrs Aikawa] Hello dear.
[Lveri and Amir] Hello, Mrs.

[Mrs Aikawa] sorry for the sudden appearance, we just pity you and feel bad, is it okay if I invite my daughter over to come sit?

[Lveri] no no that would be fine.

The most unexpected person had came walking their way, Lveri knew he noticed someone and it wasn't who he had predicted.

[Phoebe] Hel-
The could see the shock in her face, almost as she saw a ghost.

[Mr Aikawa] Are you okay sweetie? Come sit down, and introduce yourself to these two lovely boys whose mother sadly passed away.

[Phoebe] oh...Hello I'm Phoebe, nice to meet you.
[Amir] Hello! I'm Amir and this is my younger brother Lvèri, pleasure to see you.

No words come from Lveris mouth at all, both Phoebe and Lveri stayed quiet when suddenly, he got up and left. Everyone looked confused but continued talking.

[Phoebe] uh... im gonna go to the restroom, excuse me.
[Mrs Aikawa] okay sweetie.

Phoebe, runs behind Lveri holding his hand back.

[Phoebe] Lveri?
[Lveri] what? what are you doing here.
[Phoebe] yea I'm confused? Maybe our parents were just friends or something.
[Lveri] what If we're blood related?
[Phoebe] what...no no way that can't happen.
[Lveri] why not?
[Phoebe]why can't you understand
[Lveri] understand what?
[Phoebe] My feelings for you, Lveri..


[Lveri] I do understand Phoebe, I feel the same way.
[Phoebe] huh?
[Phoebe] That does mean we're???
[Lveri] I don't know do you want it?
[Phoebe] Well, Y-

[Mrs Aikawa] There you guys are! I've been looking everywhere we have to go!
[Phoebe] wait mum,
[Mrs Aikawa] Yes Phoebe?
[Phoebe] How do you know Lveris mother?
[Mrs Aikawa] we're sisters of course, I thought you knew?
[Phoebe] wait....so that would make me and Lveri cousins...
[Mrs Aikawa] yea, anyways let's go your father is waiting.

Mrs Aikawa grabs Phoebe and waves goodbye to Lveri.

[Lveri] ... that's odd my mum told me her sister was in prison...from what she had done.

Lveri had enough for the day and went home watching Netflix to forget everything. But the fact that Mrs.Aikawa was his mums sister couldn't get out of his mind he had too many questions and thoughts. So he decided to call his brother Amir to figure this out.

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