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Trent woke up feeling great until he remembered what happened yesterday...

How in the world that happen he thought to himself. Naturally he texts the boys groupchat, and of course naturally they tell him not to be a pussy and just go downstairs. Jude specifically told him mate I swear to God if you don't go downstairs I'm not gonna even think about transferring to Liverpool. Trent really hoped that Jude was kidding because imagine the headlines Klopp's beloved youngester refuses the move to Liverpool because Trent refused to confront his ex, now that would be a funny headline...

When he finally got the courage to leave his bedroom it was already 10am, luckily he had training only in the evening so he could let himself to sleep in.

While walking to the kitchen he thought about their relationship now. Is it weird that when they reconnected they instantly went back to being friends? Probably, but they weren't like other couples. Back in the day they definitely had the connection that adult couples wanted. Even when they broke up, yes it was nasty, but it was mutual break up. Hana's family moved back to France and long distance just got to them. Hell it wasn't even that long of a distance, but for them as teenagers it was a nightmare.

"Oh fuck." Trent yelped. What he didn't notice while thinking was that he was walking directly into a wall.

Great now my head hurts he thought to himself.

He eventually managed to make his way to the kitchen without walking into more walls. Trent decided to make breakfast for him and Hana. The problem was that he barely had food in the house. He needed to search through every cupboard in hope of find things that Hana would eat. He wasn't even sure that she liked those things anymore. What Trent found was jar of dulce de leche that his mum made, his mum used to make it for Hana back when she was coming to his childhood home 24/7. He made coffee for her and tea for himself. It was always like that. Then he looked at his meal plan and decided to make himself some scrambled eggs, because protein. Sometimes he hated his diet, but most of the times it was alright.

He was so engrossed into cooking, he didn't notice someone coming into the kitchen. Which was perfect oprotunity for that someone to scare him. That's exactly what she did.

"Boo!" She yelled. Trent thought that she could see his soul leaving his body.

"What in the world Hana?!" He sounded mad, but Hana know he wasn't. She just grinned at him.

"It was a perfect oprotunity. Don't even lie, you would have done the same." Trent huffed. Okay maybe it was true that he would do that, but like he still had to stay mad at her.

"See, you're thinking about it."

"No I wouldn't. I'm not as cruel as you." Hana instantly smacked his head, and then went to sit on the counter because Trent's kitchen didn't have where else to sit.

"Okay." Trent said grabbing something that Hana couldn't see." I don't know if you still like this, but i had some and I remember you loving it so i hope you still do." He continued with an unsure tone.

"Don't stress, i will eat basically anything."

Trent quickly showed her dulce de leche. The smile that showed up on Hana's face could light up the whole world.

"No fucking way. Do you even understand how I missed it while in France." She hesitated but continued." I mean yeah I had some while there, but nothing compared to your mum's."

"Great because i don't know what you would've ate if you didn't like it."

Trent grabbed his plate, and asked Hana to grab her own plate with toasts on it. He walked her to the dining room. Hana noticed that yes his house is bigger than usual, but it was definitely more humble and homie than other celebrities.

"Your house is quite nice." She said awkwardly inbetween bites.

"Mum helped with decorating."

"I can see."

"That's not nice." He sounded a bit hurt." I could easily decorate this place if i wanted." Hana just smiled at him.

"Sure you could..."

"Is today let's bully Trent and don't tell him day?"

"Nah don't worry."

"Okay good because i thought I was out of loop."

"Oh no, you are definitely out of loop." Trent looked at her confused." Today is let's bully Trent and let him know day"

"Ha ha, how funny"

"I know I'm the funniest."

Hana looked at Trent, he was already looking at her. They stared at each other for a minute and then bursted out laughing. The bantering went on for the whole breakfast.

Eventually Hana had to leave. Trent offered to drive her to the train station, at first she refused and said she will get an Uber, but Trent managed to convince her.

The ride to the station was quite awkward, both of them not knowing what to talk about.

"So i guess bye." Hana said while avoiding eye contact. They where standing next to Trent's car, because Hana needed help with getting her things from the boot.

"Yeah.. bye." Trent wanted to hug her, but thought it was to soon to hug her.

"Thanks for rescuing me yesterday. I really don't know what i would have done if it was not for you. Okay now it's definitely bye."

"Okay okay bye. Please go because you are going to miss your train." Trent said while looking at his watch.

Hana picked up her bag, waved at Trent, turned around and hurried to the building.

Trent got in his car and out of despair let his head fall on the steering wheel.

What in the world did i get myself into he thought to himself.

A/n so i wrote half of the chapter while walking to my tutor so there like 90% chance that this chapter is shittier than the last irl chapter but we move.

Anyways i just had to write the part where Jude is calling trent pussy and threatening to not transfer to Liverpool. It's so like Jude to threaten Trent about it and then go to the girls groupchat and act clueless on what is happening.

Also i feel like I'm gonna jinx this whole Jude thing and he's gonna go to like man city to be with his bestie haaland. But like I'm trying to manifest.

She's a rainbow | Trent Alexander ArnoldWhere stories live. Discover now