One shot #2 - The Runaway King

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Thank you for the idea for this one shot, I tried my best but this chapter ended up being way longer than I was originally planning, so there might be a few things that I wasn't able to include.

I hope you enjoy!


No one had heard from or seen the King of Rivendell for over a week, it was like he had disappeared off the face of the Earth. No one seemed to realize he was even gone, they were all worried about what the demon's next move would be. All except one.

Meetings were held to talk about their plan to get rid of Xornoth, theories were thrown around, but they could never agree on a solution. All this went by while Jimmy sat in his chair, his mind puzzled with questions, staring at the empty spot on the far side of the table.

The King had never missed a meeting before, no matter the obstacles that came his way. This worried Jimmy even more, what could possibly be worse than the King's evil brother terrorizing the Kingdoms? It was about time he found out for himself.

Another meeting was concluded, they were still left without a plan, but the only thing on the blonde's mind was Scott. He had to figure out where the King was and why he wasn't contributing to the meetings.

Rivendell was quiet, almost too quiet. It was like walking through a ghost town. As Jimmy landed on the cold snow he realized something, not only had the King of Rivendell disappeared, but so had its people. It looked like no one had been there in months.

He quickly rushed to the door of the palace, pushing against it with all of his force to unjam the unused hinges. As soon as it swung open he ran in calling Scott's name, his voice echoed against the walls of the empty building.

His breathe was caught in his throat, his mind whirling with questions. Where had the King gone? What if something bad had happened to him? Jimmy had no real answers for any of his questions, all he had was theories and worry. The only way to find out for sure was to track down the elf.

The only question that became clear in his mind at that very moment was; Where was he even going to begin looking? The last Jimmy had talked to the King was months ago, Scott hadn't even mentioned anything about running away.

Jimmy's worry suddenly grew as a realization hit him. What if he didn't run away? What if his evil demon of a brother kidnapped him? It would make sense, after all why wouldn't Scott say he was leaving? If he had left to stay safe from Xornoth then why hadn't he said anything?

He now had a new question on his mind; Where would a demon take the King of Rivendell?

There had to be a clue somewhere that could lead Jimmy to the elf, he just had to look around. The palace looked like it hadn't been inhabited in quite some time, if there were any evidence as to what had happened then there was a slight chance it might be worn away.

Jimmy began looking around for any clues that could help him. He suddenly spun around to the sound of the door swinging open, his heart pounding in his chest. He hoped it was Scott, he hoped he was about to see that Scott was ok and didn't need saving, but there was a small part of him that knew the King was far away by now.

The cold, icy wind from outside blew in from the doorway, causing Jimmy to shiver from the cool breeze. Turns out it was just the wind that had pushed open the creaking door. He sighed in relief, although he was a little sad to see that it wasn't the King.

An idea suddenly popped into his head. If he couldn't find any clues in the palace, then he could go around to the other Empires and ask if anyone had seen the elf. With a new goal in mind, Jimmy was off to the other Empires.

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