One shot #1 - Peace

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I haven't gotten any suggestions for one shots yet, so I decided to get the story started with a one shot idea I have thought of.



3rd life had come to an end, a new beginning was awaiting them. This one much less violent than a past life, or so they thought. That was how it was meant to be, a calm, friendly environment where they could rule their Kingdoms in peace, but expectations aren't always the reality.

It was clear right from the beginning that Empires was never going to have the same outcome as 3rd life, they knew it would be a much more peaceful place, but there was still this lingering feeling that something would go terribly wrong.

The end of 3rd life had drifted the members apart, only a few to be reunited through Empires. None of them had talked since the huge war broke out amongst them. Going into a new environment was sure to bring them back together, to remind them of a time before the chaos ensued.

It didn't take long for the King of Rivendell to remember a certain someone though. By only a week in he had noticed something hanging above his door in his house, something he hadn't put there.

It was a pufferfish hanging in an item frame, but not just any pufferfish, it was the 'Pufferish Of Peace' that Jimmy had spelled incorrectly when he was given the task of renaming it. Scott chuckled to himself thinking about how that was such a Jimmy thing to do.

He had to admit he missed Jimmy, he missed the fun times they had during 3rd life together. They hadn't talked since then and Scott was starting to think Jimmy didn't want to see him again. It didn't end well with the war, so what if Jimmy was mad at him?

But if the blonde was truly mad at him, why had he given the elf a memory of their past? Was it a reminder of the pain Jimmy had gone through? A symbol of his anger towards Scott? There was no way of telling without straight up asking him.

That thought quickly left Scott's head, there was no way he would confront Jimmy about it. Just the thought alone scared him. He didn't want Jimmy to be mad at him, but he was fearful of doing anything about it. He didn't want to make it worse.

Scott sighed and sat up in his bed, leaning his back against the wall. It was useless trying to get any sleep with his thoughts running wild. Even though it had been a couple of weeks since he had found the pufferfish, it was still the only thing on his mind.

What could it have meant?

Somehow Scott had managed to avoid seeing Jimmy since then, he wasn't sure how, but he wasn't complaining. He had some time to work out what the best plan of action would be, debating whether to talk to Jimmy or let it go and move on with his new life away from the blonde.

Running Rivendell sometimes kept his mind off of Jimmy, but there were times when he wasn't building or trading that he sub-consciously let the thoughts seep back in. Now was one of those moments, even though he was trying to fall asleep, it was proving useless as the questions spiralled, giving no answers.

Scott closed his eyes, resting his head back against the wall. How had Jimmy gotten his mind filled with so many questions all because of a simple pufferfish? It probably didn't even mean anything.

Maybe it was just a reminder of their alliance with Scar and Grian. What if it had nothing to do with Scott and Jimmy's relationship at all? This just gave Scott more things to think about, not helping his already clogged up head.

It was going to be a long night.


"What if I get up there and he decides he doesn't want to marry me anymore?" Lizzie's frantic arms waved around as she paced back and forth across the room. Jimmy had been trying to calm her down for over an hour now, but she always seemed to come up with another objection.

Flower Husbands One shots (Scott x Jimmy)Where stories live. Discover now