Nature Wives Supremacy

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Pirate Joe is canonically bi let's go!!! Makes my bisexual heart so happy /pos


Third Person's P.O.V.

A frustrated groan left Katherine's lips as soon as she walked up to her castle. The princess pinched the bridge of her nose and squeezed her eyes shut. Willing herself to calm down while simultaneously doing her best to tune out the hushed whispers of her villagers wandering about the area. Right outside of her front doors was an oak chest. The princess didn't even need to read what was on the plethora of signs surrounding it to know who it was from.

Pirate Joe.

The self-claimed "King of the Sea" has been making romantic advances towards her since their very first interaction. He showered her with gifts of the finest gold, emeralds and diamonds he could plunder. He went on perilous journeys, that sometimes took multiple days, to bring her any building or decorative materials he thought she desired. Joey constantly complimented and flirted with Katherine whenever he got the chance. Professing his undying love for the princess and how he would do anything for her.

At first Katherine thought little of this. Sure, some of the things Joey said made her rather uncomfortable and a few of his threats made her fear for her safety. But, based on word of mouth, the pirate's bark was much worse than his bite. She didn't have to worry about Joey following through with any of his threats. Or at least succeeding in them anyway. With that in mind, Katherine thought that the pirate would simply grow tired of chasing after her when she was clearly uninterested.

It's been six months.

Every few days, Katherine has either been interrupted by Joey to be given gifts or come home to said gifts on her doorstep. Despite all of Katherine's gentle attempts to shut him down, it only made him try harder. The spare room in her palace in which she stores all these unwanted presents being almost full can attest to that.

Katherine audibly sighed and picked up the chest as well as the signs. She then entered her castle and deposited the unwanted gift with the rest of them. She pinched the bridge of her nose again and shut the room door. Taking a deep breath before continuing what she was doing prior to stumbling upon that stupid chest. Night was fast approaching and Katherine needed to get ready for her nightly monster hunting. She would deal with Joey and his courting nonsense the next time she sees the lad. She didn't want it to have to come down to this, but at this point, she had no other options.

-page break-

Two days later, Katherine was in her enchanting tower with Shelby. She was having a hard time with the magic involved in enchanting her gear and asked the resident witch to help. They didn't even get past the basic explanation of how to use the enchanting table when an all too familiar voice called out from below.

"Oh my dear princess Katherine!" Joey all but sang, "I come bearing gifts for my future bride."

Shelby cringed at the pirate's words. Everything Katherine told her was true. From getting important tasks interrupted to Joey's lovestruck comments. He'd even upgraded to calling her his future bride now. Shelby can't help but feel bad for the princess.

The witch turned her head to look at Katherine and her eyes widened. She looked angry. The princess of Glimmer Grove has never been angry. At least not that anyone knows of. Katherine is much too kind-hearted and gentle to let herself get this worked up over anything. Even when she rightfully should be.

Shelby nervously swallowed and opened her mouth to speak. Not even a syllable slipped past her lips before Katherine slammed the lapis in her hand on the enchanting table. The force of the action rattling the bookshelves surrounding the pair. Even causing a couple books to tumble off the shelves and hit the floor with a  soft thump.

Uh oh.

Katherine swiveled on her heel and marched towards the ajar window. Throwing it open but not hard enough for the panes to slam into the tower's stone walls. She held onto the windowsill tight enough that her knuckles turned white as she looked down at Joey who, despite her outward expression of pure fury, looked as smitten as ever.

"There's my darling princess," he said, "I knew you couldn't resist my calls. Can you please come down and try on these necklaces made from the most precious-"

"I'M A LESBIAN!!!"  Katherine yelled, cutting him off.

Silence fell over the three rulers as the echo of Katherine's confession gradually dissipated. The princess no longer looked absolutely enraged and her death grip on the windowsill slackened. Her shoulders visibly rising and falling as she panted for breath after her outburst. Pirate Joe was stunned. His face flushed as embarrassment settled in.

"I-I'm so sorry," Joey apologized, "If I'd known I never would've-"

"It's okay," Katherine interrupted, giving the pirate a small smile to show her genuineness.

"No hard feelings?" Joey asked sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck.

"None," Katherine assured.

"I'll be off then," Joey said before heading towards the pier and sailing off.

Katherine sighed in relief and smiled to herself. Joey was finally off her back and given how quick things spread in this world, everyone would know about her sexuality soon enough. Katherine didn't really want that but at least it meant no more men would try and seek her hand. Especially not in the annoying way Joey did it.

"Are you okay?" Katherine asked as she turned back around to face Shelby.

"Y-yeah," Shelby stammered, "I've just never heard you yell is all."

"Oh," Katherine said, "Sorry for frightening you. I don't get angry often so when I do it's quite intense."

"No need to apologize!" Shelby assured, eyes darting away from the princess ever so often, "Completely understandable."

"Let's get back to enchanting then," Katherine said, making her over to the enchanting table and scooping up the books that had fallen earlier.

Shelby simply hummed in acknowledgement as she subtly casted a glamour spell to hide the redness in her cheeks. Luckily, she managed to get through the rest of the enchanting session without Katherine catching onto her flustered behaviour. Once back in her empire, Shelby all but slammed her front door shut and leaned back against it. Her heart hammering out of her chest and her breath shaky.

"I... I have a chance?" Shelby thought, her face glowing a deeper red.


Nature wives my beloveds /p

Have a good rest of your day/night!

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