First Meeting

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It was raining, hard. Thunder can be heard as rain pours down below. Lightning strikes as the rain hits the ground. Childe hated the rain, it was basically a nightmare for him. He sighed as he looked away from the window. He can't focus at all, it's not like he even needed to. He already understood everything anyways.

A teacher from the faculty room walks in the classroom. "I'm sorry for disturbing all of you, but I need to talk with your teacher." The teacher then walks to the one near the entrance as they both whisper to each other. The teacher than clears her throat to grab everyone's attention. "Class, we have a new student today." A blue haired figure suddenly walks in the class

Childe thinks to himself, "Great, another idiotic student." He was so full of himself he thinks everyone is idiotic and inferior to him. "Introduce yourself." The teacher speaks up, the one near the entrance seems to have left. The bluenette then opens his mouth. "Hello, I am Kaeya Alberich. You may call me kaeya if you'd like."

Childe observes kaeya carefully, his other eye was covered by an eyepatch as the one uncovered was a nice deep blue with a touch of lilac. His figure was slim and his appearance was neat. he seemed like a decent guy at best. He was actually pretty, what a change. Whatever, he's probably another idiotic student. Right? Kaeya smiled as he kept going on, he said he loved science, Specifically physics and biology.

Childe was a bit stunned. "Someone else is actually interested in that? How enticing." Childe says out loud. The teacher stares at childe, telling him to shut up by simply just looking at him. "Well, yes. Did you really expect for you to be the only smart one here? How full are you of yourself..." The class chuckled, Childe blushed in embarrassment. "Who do you think you are?! Do you even know who I am?!" The class turned silent. Childe was from a rich and powerful family and he takes it to his advantage.

The bluenette chuckles slightly. "I've upset the grandmaster, my sincere apologies..." The class tries to hold their laughter as the teacher sighs in disappointment. "Just sit down where you like." The teacher says, kaeya sits right beside childe. He looks at him and smirks, Childe looks away extremely angry. Kaeya knows he's now made a new enemy.

The ginger kept glaring at kaeya, giving him death stares. If looks could kill he'd be dead by now. Kaeya doesn't mind, Childe was fairly handsome and honestly regrets humiliating him, but it was too late now. The bell finally rings as everyone gets up from their seats and heads to the cafeteria. Childe gets up extremely irritated, he gets up and and slams his hands down on kaeya's desk before he could get up. "We need to talk, Alberich. Meet me in the library, now." "I don't know the layout of the school, and I don't even know your name, I'm not akinator babe."

Childe tsks pulls him up as he drags kaeya to the library and shoves him against a bookshelf. "Don't dare even try to humiliate me ever again." Kaeya blushed, he was right in his face and he's never had someone this close to him. Kaeya starts to smirk, he was looking all smug and so stupid it just made him even more furious.

"Goddamnit! If you--" "What do you boys think you're doing?" Childe was cut short by the librarian. "Childe's trying hurt me..!" Kaeya says in the most innocent and warm tone he possibly could. Childe backed away and glared at kaeya, "Childe? Is this true?" "WHAT?! ALL I DID WAS SHOVE HIM AGAINST THIS SHELF! IT WASNT THAT HARD!" "Don't yell in my library for goodness sake, I don't know who to believe. So, both of you. Detention now. You're not leaving until the bell rings again."

The two sigh as they both walk to the detention room and sit down. "What happened to not knowing my name?" "I'm so sorry, I forgot I knew." "How can you-- You know what nevermind." Childe rolled his eyes as he looks away, Kaeya sighed. "This is gonna make a huge dent in my image, all because of you." "I'm sorry? Aren't you the one who shoved me against the shelf?" "Alright fine. I admit what I did was wrong, I just felt like you were insulting me and I felt angry." Kaeya smiled. "I'm glad you admitted to your mistake, anyways let's just forget about this and do something entertaining."

Childe thought for a bit, to think what can they do they could enjoy. "What about we play a little game, test your knowledge maybe?" "I like the sound of that." "I'll bet you I'll win, this'll be a piece of cake." "Bring it on, Alberich."

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