Chapter 13: Take a break

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Laya's POV

"Alright! That's enough for today. I want you all to go home and relax this weekend. You've earned it." I try my best to hold in a smile as they cheer.

"Thank you ma'am! We appreciate it!" One of them says as they all agree and begin to pack up their things.

Once they are all finished, I start to follow them out the door when Hannah suddenly turns to me full of excitement. "Oh my gosh! Great idea. You, should come out with us tonight!"

I raise an eyebrow at her as her hopeful eyes look up at me. "And what exactly are you all doing?"

I glance past her at the others who are trying to act as if they aren't listening, but I can feel their eagerness to hear my response.

"Nothing too crazy. We're probably going to head to the mall, do a little shopping, and grab a bite to eat." She places her hands on my crossed forearms and I feel everyone's anxiety kick in.

I am hard on my team but I would never harm them.

They are practically my children, however, most of them wouldn't dare touch me.

Sure they all feel comfortable around me, or at least I hope so, but not as much as Hannah.

She's like the kid that looks up to their older sibling or parental figure in their life and wants to be just like them when they're older.

She trains just like I did when I first went out on my own. Always trying to impress me but even though I praise her, she still always finds a flaw.

She's also very energetic and lighthearted. Two ways I wouldn't necessarily describe myself.

That is why when she grabs onto me like this I don't necessarily mind it because I know it's just the way she is. 

I look down into her pleading eyes as her nerves begin to kick in. "Do you all really want me to go? I wouldn't want to impose."

They all shake their head. "Not at all boss! We'd love to hang out with you outside of this place."

"Yeah it'll be fun!"

Hannah nods in agreement as I ponder it a bit more.

It wouldn't hurt to get closer to them outside of work but I'd also feel like the 7th wheel or something.

I'm not blind, I was also young once. I know that some of them on the team are together even if they don't tell me.

The way certain guys protect certain girls and how they treat each others wounds after a mission. The slight glances while sparring and the constant pairings of teams make it pretty obvious.

Even though they don't mind me going, I don't want to feel left out all night. "Okay I'll go, but on one condition."

Their ears perk up as a slight smile appears on my face.

"Knock knock." I peek into Tess's office as she's leaning back on the front of her desk looking through some files.

She looks up at me and that dazzling smile of hers causes a slight blush to appear on my face. "Well this is a pleasant surprise. What can I do for you love?"

I roll my eyes a little at the name and walk over to her. A smirk creeps onto my face as I watch her eyes follow the sway of my hips.

I've already got her right where I want her. "You busy tonight?"

She finally looks me in the eyes and I feel the strongest urge to kiss her. "Unfortunately. I have all of these files to go through and I have to get ready for the presentation in a few days."

I poke out my bottom lip and ease a little closer to her. "Well I was going to ask if you wanted to go out with me and the team, but if you're too busy..."

She raises an eyebrow at me as she leans back against the desk a little more. "The team? I didn't know you all hung out afterwards."

I shrug. "Not usually, no. They invited me tonight and I said I'd go but on one condition."

I ease the folder out of her hands and set it on her desk causing her to laugh a little. "And what was that condition?"

I gently wrap my arms around her neck and softly kiss her cheek. "That you were able to come with me."

I see her cheeks heat up in the spot that I kissed as she clears her throat. "Oh umm.. I'd love to go but this paperwork is getting.."

"Mhm.." I nod my head and slowly kiss along her neck as she tries to talk her way out of it.

"Baby I umm..god you're making it hard to think." She says as I feel her strong hands grab onto my hips.

I giggle in her ear and pull back a little so that I can look into her darkened eyes. "How about, you go out with me tonight, and I help you with all of this in the morning."

She raises an eyebrow at me again. "In the morning?"

I nod my head as I trail a finger along her neck and down to her chest. "Mhm, whenever WE decide to get up."

I kiss her cheek again an saunter away, trying my best not to laugh as I hear her quickly put away her files and rush after me. "So umm... where are we going again?"

I laugh at how cute she is as I lead her down to the car where everyone is eagerly waiting for us.

It may have been a while since I've teased her like this, but I still know how to get exactly what I want.

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