Chapter 11: Baby

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Tess's POV

My palms start to sweat as I close the door behind me.

I'm inside of Laya's house.

The home that she built for herself. It threw me off a little when she invited me inside.

Tonight has been going so well, I really don't want to mess things up.

She goes to the kitchen and pulls out two wine glasses along with a bottle of wine from the fridge. I take a seat on one of the booths against her island as she pours us both a glass.

I thank her for the drink and take a sip. "Mmm...this is good! Where did you get it?"

She smiles behind her glass as she takes a sip herself. "I made it."

My eyes get big as I examine it further. "You made this?? I didn't know you had a vineyard. This is amazing!"

She blushes at my compliment and shows me the bottle. The label has a bleeding Rose on the front with her signature on the bottom. "I only sell it to vampires because it does have a small amount of blood infused. I figured out that it's a nice way to sustain our bloodlust while also giving you a slight buzz."

As I listen to her explain the process, I can't help but feel so proud of her.

For all of these years, I was so concerned about whether or not she was doing alright. I know she can take care of herself, but i still worry.

"It started off as just a hobby, but now it's kind of like a side job."

I smile at her as I take another sip. "Well I'm proud of you. I'm so happy to hear that you have something you-"

My face turns red as my stomach growls louder than my voice.

She covers her mouth trying not to laugh but it only makes me blush more. "Still hungry huh?"

I scratch my head nervously. "I guess so. I'll grab something on the way back."

She shakes her head and waves her hand at me. "Don't worry about it, I can make you something really quick."

She starts digging in her fridge looking for something to cook and I start to feel bad. "Oh no Laya, I don't want to impose. Really, I can just grab something later."

She grabs a frying pan out of the cabinet and waves it at me. "Oh hush. It'll only take a minute."

I sigh in defeat and watch as she begin to cook. My nostrils flare a little when I get a whiff of a grilled cheese. "No way."

My mouth starts to water as she sets it in front of me on a plate. "You still like those right?"

I force the tears to stay out of my eyes as I nod my head.

She used to make these for me all of the time.

I always woke up hungry In the middle of the night and I can't tell you how many times she's whipped me up about 3 or 4 of them so that I would go back to bed. Even when I was sick, all I wanted was a grilled cheese and some soup.

I take a bite and my tastebuds cry out in pleasure. It's such a simple sandwich, yet when it's made by her, it might as well be a gourmet meal.

She laughs at how happy my face looks and starts to clean up the kitchen.

I devour the sandwich in under a minute and decide that the least I can do is clean up. "Hey, don't worry about that. I can get it."

She shrugs her shoulders and starts to wash the dishes. "It's fine, it'll only take me a second."

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